+14 votes
in Venting by (774k points)
the last 2 hours, I couldnt stop crying.

Basically I am failing math (65) and Im barely passing reading (78)
I want to cry. Why I was I born to be stupid in stuff thats usefull.

Why did I find a random book series about Swedish people in Minnesota interesting but something typical that girls my age will like boring

Why Cant I be talented

I also have anxiety about the talent show and my Youtube channel, so maybe I should just cry and quit everything.

I need to get good grades. I want to go to Minnesota so badly (cuz Nordicfest) and I need to be smart in Math and Reading and not some random group of countries only like 3 people care about
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa s l o w down.You don't have to be "perfect" at EVERYTHING. I don't have good focus and I am HORRIBLE at math and no one is perfect so like me you should just do your best.
by (774k points)
This is old lol

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by (774k points)

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