+1 vote
in A Sloth’s Sanctuary! by (154k points)
Ah yes a loof oopdoot

I had a band competition today and then we all headed to six flags!

But I had the worst day that was actually supposed to be fun I have ever had because I can’t stand my friend!! I’m only her friend out of pity and she’s an absolute brat and doesn’t even understand it because it’s literally normal for her to be one in her family. Here’s a run through of why my day was ruined (not just by her but mostly):

-I’m her friend because she has no other friends, I feel bad, and I know she was bullied last year. This is why I try. As for the other kids in my group they kind of try but they don’t try that hard so it’s kind of just an eh for them which I don’t blame them but basically them knowing I was her friend made them avoid me too!! They actually included me more than her by a bit but it didn’t work out well because she rode my tail the entire time!!!

-She copied everything I did. If I agreed she agreed in the same way. If I got something she got the same thing. If I wanted to go on a ride it was her favorite ride in the world and all she ever wanted!

-I ran out of money because it was so expensive and I was so dehydrated I was dizzy the last hour of the park. I only had 50 bucks and my breakfast at McDonalds was 5, then my lunch was 30 (only a burger and fries) and my drink (a small cup) cost 8 bucks!!

-My friend ran off twice and wasted our time because she went off to buy whatever she wanted. First she left without telling anyone to get cotton candy and came back and when everyone flipped out at her she was all like “I SAID SORRY JUST CHILL!” Then she said she was getting ice cream while everyone but me and our chaperone was on a ride so I went with her and she started going really far and I was like “You’re going way too far, we have to be there before they get off the ride” and I ended up turning around without her because she refused and so I made sure she’d check her phone. 30 minutes later haven’t heard a word so I’m texting her and it says read and so I spam her name and it says read and she LITERALLY IGNORES ME and after another 10 minutes she says “I got it bring everyone at the ice cream place.”



So I got stuck finding her while everyone else left on another ride! Cheers to me! It’s all my problem isn’t it?

-We went on a ride and she didn’t close her cokes cap on her soda and tossed it into the cubby with my bag. Everything I had was soaked and sticky. I couldn’t wear the bag without getting myself wet and my PHONE was wet (thankfully it’s alive).

-I never got a say in the rides in my group. My choice was always worse than the next persons idea. That might be because the 7 kids I was stuck with were all friends. I guess it was fine because we always did the ride at some point anyway, I just felt like nobody really cared?? Even if I asked for the bathroom they’d say after like 2 rides cause ___ suggested it

-I got really crabby and snapped at my friend and then apologized after and she said “Finally! I was waiting for that.” EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL-

-For some reasons the rides kept malfunctioning. Like we were in line for one and had to head back cause of technical difficulties. Two popular rides were closed. And one of the rides I went on malfunctioned just before it started and we had to wait an extra 15 minutes until they fixed it

-My. Friend. Would. Not. Stop. Acting. Like. A. Little. Kid. I get it that some people are scared easily, or are a bit immature- no this was that but cranked up to 400%. This girl tried to get me to HOLD HER HAND the first ride we went on. IT DIDNT EVEN HAVE ANY LOOPS OR MASSIVE DROPS. She also threw small tantrums??

-The amount of praise she was asking for was insane. “I did it! Aren’t you proud of me??” “I feel so much like a baby right now…”

The answers are “No” and “You are one”

Honestly if she wasn’t there I would have had a blast. I tried my best to have as much fun as I could but she did not stop bothering me!!

Anyways I mean there was a bit of good from this?

-I did my first ride that goes upside down. It was great. Would do it again.

-My band got 2nd place in the competition!!!! We did awesome!

-I did a lot of the rides, even ones I wouldn’t normally do

So it was ehh but HAHA WE RULE 2ND PLACE! Oh and choir got 1st!! I’m really proud of my school


She’s really immature and I’m just the opposite and we do not click whatsoever. I’m done with her. This was the last straw. She used to not stop touching me (even in the wrong places) and I was so uncomfortable even when I snapped at her I told her MOM and NOW she’s sort of stopped. I can’t do this anymore with her.


2 Answers

0 votes
by (116k points)
Your friends annoying, but I don’t think it’s immature nesccarily to want to hold your hand on a ride, I’m heinstly really scared of roller coasters and even if it had no massive drops or loops I’d still prob want to hold someone’s hand, does that make me immature then?
by (154k points)

No. Its not. Its just the fact that she tried to force me too because she was so scared. Also you are 10, right? 11? She’s 13 stupid

by (116k points)
I’m 11, turning 12 in 2 months.

Stil, I do think your friend is super irritating, but that specific thing shouldn’t be part of the classification that makes her that.
by (154k points)
I guess. My problem was she kept pushing me to do it and it was really embarrassing. You’re probably right though
+1 vote
by (947k points)
I also had a competition today, my robotics competition.

We had to get to the place it was gonna take place at (a high school about an hour away) by 8:15 AM. I got there 20 minutes before and I started testing my robot. All the codes worked except one of the challenges, the one where you make your robot carry a LEGO satellite and have it drop it off in a launching pad, then it has to go back to the starting area.

My robotics partner didn’t even get to the high school until 8:40 AM, which was mildly infuriating. At least he got there, though.

I ended up working on the satellite code for an entire hour without fixing it.

And also, we were the first team up to compete, at 9:30 AM.

We only did a few challenges successfully, and we got 85 points on our first run. Out of 235. Everyone was telling us about how good we did but if it was only 85 points, how did we do good?

Then, we had to do a robot-free side challenge at 9:50 AM. It was some type of puzzle that I’ve never heard of but somehow my robotics partner could qualify for the world championship of solving that puzzle quickly. So yeah.

Fast forward to 10:45 AM. We were performing again. We got 95 points this time, but it turns out the judges only use your higher score and not adding up the points. I personally think the latter is a better option as that way, a team that got 100 points each on both runs would do better than a team that got 160 points on say, the first run, and 20 points on the second run.

The side challenges can also help you get points, so we really had 101 points.

Then, at 11:05 AM, we were to do the other side challenge, making paper airplanes and throwing them as far as you can. Neither of us knew how to make a paper airplane (my partner forgot how, I never knew how) but yet, I crumple a piece of paper and it goes 8 entire feet.

We did way worse than expected, and I was so upset that I didn’t even eat lunch.

We only got 12th place out of 37 teams and we only got 102 points… :(
by (154k points)
Thats not good!! Im so sorry!

The important thing is you tried and you still got points. That’s what really matters. And also failures are what make everything better in the end- if you do the competition again you’ll get a way better score because you’ll know what you’re doing!

I am sorry though you had a hard time with it though, that’s no fun…


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