+16 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by
Heyyy gals! This is not an official proper Sisterhood post as the blog is on hiatus for the moment, but I included the hashtags because you know whatever lol. This topic might make you uncomfortable, so if you haven’t hit puberty yet (or you’re a boy and you’ve clicked on this anyway despite the warning), click away!!! Seriously, you don’t want to know.

Today I did something I haven’t done in a long time... I didn’t wear a bra. (Disclaimer: I haven’t been ‘converted’ into a bra-less state of mind by today’s escapades. It hasn’t turned me into one of those hippie feminist lesbians that burn their bras and campaign ruthlessly for “boob freedom”. I’m not gonna tell you to stop wearing bras - heck, I’ll probably wake up and fling on my ordinary old bra as per usual.)

So we’ve got it clear, I’m not a hardcore feminist-hippie bra-blazing lesbian. Instead I’m a sort-of-hippie-feminist bisexual who will happily wear or not wear a bra. To be honest, it’s arrogant of me to be ranting about bras etc. when the only ones I own are greying cloth thingies that are basically just a tiny t-shirt. I’m nervous to even enter the Marks & Spencer’s lingerie department.

Anyway, I found it quite fun to not wear one. It was nice to feel free and not have a broken bra-strap buckle poking into my shoulder. It was quite odd as I’m used to having the support (admittedly there’s not much) that my sort-of-bras give me. I also discovered that when I was running I jiggled a bit (lol). It feels different, and it was quite nice to have a change from regular old bra-dom. I’m definitely not giving up bras completely, but I probably will not wear one all the time from now on.

I dare you to not wear a bra for a day, and see how you like it! Go on, I dare you! :)

PS. Amount of times I said “bra”: 14 XD
Lol ur like my twin lol

14 Answers

+2 votes
I’m not one of those freaks either but when I’m staying home I don’t we’re a bra when I’m going somewhere I wear a bra so I pretty much do ur dare almost everyday
+2 votes
by (12.9k points)
My parents would figure out if I didn't wear a bra, so no. I have forgotten to wear one a couple of times, and I get what you mean. I prefer to wear them though, mine are comfortable to me. Mine are similar to training bras, no padding or underwire stuff, they are just bigger than most training bra sizes go. Its more comforable for me to wear one, more "secure".
I get what you mean!

Do Americans call them ‘training bras’? that’s weird. We just call them bras lol
by (12.9k points)
Training bras are like the first bras you get usually, no padding, no underwire, and they usually don't have cups sizes depending on the brand. Girls usually wear they at the start of puberty.
I think those are the ones I wear even though I’m near the end of puberty, still not got round to buying a proper bra yet lol.
I am english and i call them a training bra or a crop top as i am not confident enough to say to my friends when we have girl talk in the playground (i go to a girls school so no boys YAY) oh yeah i wear a bra. And it has kinda got to be a habit.
by (13.6k points)
i would die if i had to go to a girls only school. they would prob get bored of having no boys around so most of all the girls would prob be lesbian. im not saying i hate lesbians, but that concept just makes me REALLY uncomfortable
+2 votes
by (375k points)
Yeah. I'm probably not gonna try but maybe. I would jiggle alot. I usually wear sports bras. My breasts aren't fully developed but pretty far along.
+3 votes
by (153k points)
Haha, it’s nice that you’ve found freedom in not wearing a bra, lol. For me it’s just uncomfortable as I bounce around a lot without it, especially going up/down stairs as I normally wear a cup bra for support. and I get self-conscious without one, lol.
by (415k points)
by (12.9k points)
ikr? It's more comfortable for me with one on, otherwise it just feels weird.
I do find it more comfortable with one on but sometimes I’m like “I don’t give a flying pig’s ear what anyone thinks, screw it” so I just don’t wear one lol. I found going downstairs hilarious yesterday though...

PS. Luna can I please use your word ‘flarf’? I love it :)
by (12.9k points)
You can use flarf as long as you mention it is my thing. It is kinda my catchphrase lol.
Thanks :)


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