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in Fanfiction by (350k points)

Silens I Chapter 39 

I had half a mind to grab a pair of scissors the next day, my hair was growing out a lot. One day  before our scheduled move to our next safe house, I went to the bathroom and pulled out some scissors. Wren walked by when I was about to make the first SNIP, but seemed to pay no attention, in fact, to my surprise, it was Hazyl and Willow who stopped me. 
"Don't cut your hair," said Willow in her shy voice. I ignored her, but Hazyl seized the scissors and tsked tsked. With a few swift movements of her wand, my bangs were a bit shorter. Hazyl tucked the scissors into her pocket,
"You're a witch," she said, "Use magic."
I glanced at her. "I'm underage."
"You think? We lifted the ban from you three the minute we decided to take you in. You can use magic." Hazyl shook her head. "Bloody idiot." I glanced back at her, and realized that for a while now, she had gotten increasingly angry. Willow glanced about and started whispering fervently to her, as if to calm her down. 
As I left, I noticed her white knuckles against her wand, gripping it like a vice, and her brown eyes were brewing a type of silver fire. 

 Our trip to our next safe house started smoothly enough. That is, until the carriage with me, Lucas, Tom, Willow, and Hazyl went down in a cascade of fire and smoke. "What hit us?" yelled Hazyl, climbing onto the roof. Willow and I joined her. Wren and Toby had gone ahead earlier in the day. 

A huge hole was flapping in the breeze: I could see Tom and Lucas from between the singed and burning fabric. Willow began to use her wand to repair it: I glanced at the Threstals, which were struggling to keep the carriage up, and I noticed that three out of the six were gone. 

Hazyl glanced at me. "We're gonna have to take the Threstals to the house. C'mon, I'll get the others. Get on a horse." Willow helped usher me onto one and Tom and Lucas clawed up onto the roof, With military precision, Hazyl got Tom and Willow, who was driving, on a horse, Lucas and I on one, and she leaped on the first. With a wave of her wand, she unhitched all the Threstals. Willow ushered her mount beside me and quickly gave me instructions on how to lead it. Lucas's hands were clasped on my shoulders.

In a matter of seconds, we were soaring above the main Indian cities. It was dusk. 

Hazyl lead us and brought us down to an empty clearing. Willow leapt off her Threstal about the same time I had figured out how, and before long every one was off and the Threstals started to lie down. 

I realized that the thing I respected most about Willow and Hazyl was their preparedness. As they immediately began setting up a tent and preformed protective spells around us, I laid back and rubbed my head: only then did I realize their was a large wound on my face, stretching from my lip up to my eye. It was bleeding heavily even though it was shallow. As I brought my hand back from my face, blood had outlined my fingerprints in a matter of seconds. It stung, and I quickly pressed my Tshirt sleeve to it and glanced about.

Nobody else was hurt. I started to wonder why I was the only one wounded...

Life in the tent didn't last long, and once we were in our next safe house in Austria, after a short trip, Tom began to marvel at how exciting the forest adventure and things had been. Toby seemed to grow sourer and sourer, but he seemed to be hiding it better. One day in the kitchen , about a week after we had arrived, Willow had an announcement. I wondered why Hazyl wasn't making it, and decided to check on her later. 

"Two more protectors will be joining us in a few days." Willow said, "Because soon we will be meeting Handison in battle."

Tom looked up. "Really?"

"Yes," she said, "Handison has requested a meeting between us. I know it's dangerous but we may get some good hits on him." I rolled my eyes. Impossible, I didn't even know the real reason he wanted us dead. I knew by now the "because you're a half blood or because you're a pureblood" was a stupid cover up. 

After the short talk, I opened up the door to the girls' room: Hazyl was sitting at her desk, head buried in her arms. When she looked up, her eyes were red. "What?" she said, her strong voice holding a hint of a sniffle.

"What's up? You're not making the announcement." 

Hazyl shook her head. "Can't."

"Huh? Why?"

"Cuz I know this meeting is gonna be the death of me, that's why! I volunteered for this cuz I thought I'd be helping people, helping people who were targeted, and now I've done the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't, and that's that I'm now close to you guys. How's it gonna feel when you guys die, or I die?" she shook her head. "I'll do it, but it's the end of the road for me." 

I didn't know what to say for a minute, then I grasped her shoulders. "I have a curse," I said roughly, "And every day I think it'll be the end. At least you can go out in style, for a cause, while I'm here, stuck, dying, dying a death decided for me when I was born." I glared at her. "I understand what you mean, but remember, what if you do live? You could start a family, have kids. I'm not gonna live past my 20th birthday, at most. I could die right now. So suck it up ad look at your life with positivity!" 

Hazyl seemed stunned.

"I guess you're right..." she said, and rested her head back on her arms. 

The two new protectors turned up. Both guys.

We all walked into the place where it would take place. The meeting with Handison. When he walked in, I noticed shallow, dark features and billowing robes. He sat down, and faced Wren with a sort of twisted emotion on his face. "So," he said raspily, "What do you want?"

"You were the one who called the meeting."

"I want the black-haired girl, first off. The other two I would like to have, the blond Malfoy twins, but of course, they can wait until after I get the girl."

Wren smiled and said, "I can't do that."

Handison smiled back, bringing his face closer to Wren's ear. "Then, I'll just take you, eh?" With a flash of green light, Wren hurtled backwards. Her eyes were lifeless, and her mouth was open in a scream that had never began. Handison chewed on the cigar in his mouth for a moment, then turned slowly to us, being deliberate. His foot stomped onto the ground and everyone jumped.

"My, my, I did want this to be a peaceful negotiation..." he said, nudging Wren's body with his toe. Her hair was spread up and around her face like lace. Her body was still limp instead of stiff. "But I guess the tables have turned. Now, whose next-in-charge?"

Hazyl gulped and raised her hand. Handison glanced at her, and beckoned her forward. When she did not come, he walked to her and stroked her face with one pale, sharp-fingered hand. "Hello, little girl. Will you give me the Trio or not?"

Hazyl opened her mouth. With a sharp intake or breath she said,


Handison cocked his head like a cat.  "What if I gave you something in return? Say, your parents?" he said, and Hazyl's eyes went wide for a moment. Willow was whispering fervently under her breath. 

"My parents are dead," said Hazyl firmly. 

"Oh, are they?" said Handison lazily. Turning to someone I hadn't noticed until now, he said, "Jackson! Show the girl proof. The photo from last week, please." The man shoved the picture in her face, and once it was draw back, her face was pale and her eyes were wide.

Willow said, "It's not true!" 

Hazyl smiled with a sort of derange-ness: "Listen, I don't know what you're getting at, but you're terrible at Photoshop. Those are not my parents." she laughed softly and said, "You're not getting Asia, or Tom, or Lucas. Sorry."

Willow grinned, but Handison had already stepped forward. And with a fliwk of his hand, he had once again pulled out his wand, and was pointing it at Hazyl. His lips moved, and I leaped forward, shoving Hazyl down. 

All the world went black.

No, she didn't die, this is the part in which Handison abducts her and everyone thinks she's dead or whatever. Looking forward to your next chapter Knight, and I felt like this one was longer LOLZ 

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (415k points)
Best answer
Long chapter! I will wrote tomorrow! Good job btw!

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