+13 votes
in Personal by (45.3k points)


4 Answers

+2 votes
If people July you just egnore them because they have  jealousy on you which means they think hey she's cool. How about I take the mic out of you.

But if you don't ennore them you'll tern out like mei get anti bullied all the time at school.
+2 votes
There used to be this mean boy on my swim team who was obviously jealous of me, he didn't want to bully me because I was the coach's favorite so he would bully my three friends, in response, I complained to my coach who then suspended him.  He never bullied me or my friends, but he never acted nice either.  Just tell your favorite teacher or your principal if you like her/him.  If it's better, tell a school counselor if you know one, a friend with authority would be good too.  Just remember, your not alone and NOBODY has the right to make you feel like you're less than anyone.  About your friends, if they really like you, they won't tease you, if they do tease you, they were never your friends to begin with.
+3 votes
by (1.7k points)
Tell a parent or a teacher.They will look out for you and make sure you are safe.But about your friends,if they are mean to you is it worth it?You have a BFF right?Well if you do I know you will not loose that person.I have got bullied to and it is terrible.I will make sure to pray for you.

Have a good life,Gracie
+3 votes
by (448k points)
Tell a counselor or teacher, or whatever if this happens at school. You could ignore it, or record it, then you tell police, show them your screen, and they might help with that, or your parents might help. Cut them off.  Don't sink to a bully's level. Don't believe them.
by (1.0k points)
Thanks for answering

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