+15 votes
in Personal by (12.9k points)

Before you read this, if I get anything that is basically "You're stupid for not believing in God" or something I will hide this post. Same if this starts turning into an argument. This is all my opinion, you do not have to believe it nor do I ask you to. Some people believe in different stuff than me and that is fine, i don't care, but no arguments. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.


There are a few reasons I do not believe in God. First, it seems very manmade, the idea of a religion, that there is someone who controls everything all the time, who created everything all on their own, it just doesnt seem right to me. And I know this is gonna get replies like "Well, if there was everything good than we wouldn't appreciate it because we wouldn't know what bad is" but there is a limit to that. I think of that part like a scale, on one side there is good and the other is bad, and when it is balanced, that is the way things should be, but instead some people get the scale tipped either against them or in their favor, and I do not think anyone deserves either but yet it still happens. And if there is a God, i just don't get why He would make a lot of things real. And if he did indeed create everything, he messed up big time with humans why is there stuff that is so bad to do? If He created everything He would have created that too wouldn't He? Another thing not necessarily part of this, how come it is a He? How come it couldn't be a She? lol

Look I believe  in god and nothing will change that but I respect all opinions as it is kind and nice. I think your opinion may make sense to others but not to me but thanks for sharing your opinion.


-safe regards, from tobi
God is REAL.

That's that.
Thanks for having you on my side! My GF believes in God so yeah. TY!
She should, she has sence.

24 Answers

0 votes
I'm not arguing whatever they believe in is their choice it's realy not comfortable reading this but lesbian or whatever.... have U ever thought very deeply and thought why R we here why is space here why is earth here why is clouds there why did the chicken was a chicken.. how did we get a brain what will happen tomorrow or the other day after that and the other day I can still go further... I'm not arguing or fighting I don't want u to think but did u think before putting this post I'm not being rude or something just think why do we think why these thoughts come to us why how have u ever believed In magic if not just think how did the first person was born in earth who made the first one the first human.. huh did u think that did any one find what is beyond earth yes did anyone find what's the sun is I can go on 5he last question to u is do any human any living thing know what's outside the earth the atmosphere out to the space and even farther no who nows that no human knows that no one.... I'M Not saying this to trouble u but please I beg u don't put some thing like this this is way too far... and know u will think I am being Judy or rude or something but Im not even though I mean 5hat and u know what I believe in God... do u ever thought what will happen when we died no u didn't. or else u would never ever write this hole nonsense this whole..... things.... i dont care if u don't but please please put this out
I agree. It was hard to translate but I think if this was put in better words it would be very wise.
by (165k points)
(This is Lesbian Wolf Furries main account). I get what you are saying, and i did not make my post with mean intentions, just to merely state my own opinion. I believe more along the lines of the big bang theory amd sometimes Hellenism. As for magic, eh, depends. As for what will happen when we die, i dont know. I will figure it out one day but for now i am still living so idk.
by (12.9k points)
As for the future, I believe that the future is cause and effect. That one person's actions affect another's, and those affect another's, and so on. I also believe that what comes around goes around, and karma.
+1 vote
I had to steady myself before I answered because God has helped me through many tough times. But here's my answer...God isn't necessarily a being or a thing. He is a state of mind that many people believe in. I am surprised I figured this out because I am only 12 BUT you cannot just read it and think God is a person he created the earth and did all this amazing stuff. My religion teacher ( I go to a catholic school ) once said something really true... when we read the bible we don't ask 'did this happen?' we ask 'what does it mean?'. Everything written in the bible has a meaning that will eventually lead to making the world a happier place. No one is going to force you to believe in God or any of his teachings, BUT if you did then we would be one person closer to worldwide peace. This is because God's/Jesus' teachings have a message behind them that is shared throughout ALL the religions in the world. Some people just like praying to God as it makes them feel as though someone really does care. As I said, you don't have to believe in God himself (or like Ariana Grande said 'God is a Woman') but maybe give a try at reading the bible and think about the MEANINGS not the events.

Hope This Helped!
by (12.9k points)
Again, just my opinion. If I get a chance to I might read it.
0 votes
by (7.4k points)
Yes Religion seems manmade but if you don't believe in creation do you think we came from primates?? and yes I've asked myself why is God a boy And the bible never really tells us.  See some people do not believe and they begin to fall deeper and deeper into sin.  You seem like a nice person and my hope is that you would find that God Loves you so much that He was willing to DIE for you if that is not enough proof right there than you are truly lost.  But not to God he will always forgive you and take you in and I hope that one day you will call him ABBA FATHER aka daddy
I agree with u hemionepuppy
by (82.8k points)
Tbh, this sounds like ur trying to force religion. Like, how do u think ‘I’m falling deeper and deeper into sin’ and ‘I’m truly lost’ makes me feel? I honestly don’t believe in Him bc there is never any real proof that He exists.
by (34.7k points)
Dude... I agree with Jelly on this one.
by (12.9k points)
Okay, dude, I get your point but like, too far. Be more careful with your wordin', a'ight?
by (82.8k points)
How was this rude?
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Hide this post. You know this is going to start a fight, so just don't be difficult and just hide it.
by (165k points)
If it does start to turn into a fight, then I will hide it. For now while no one is fighting I will keep it up.
by (1.34m points)
Pumpkin chill they just sharing their opinion
by (1.34m points)
This debate ended 9 months ago, there's no need to bring it up again, so you should chill.

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