+3 votes
in Debate by
I believe that Donald Trump should win but that is just me. Who do you think should win?

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (154k points)


I think

Biden winning was a good thing, because Trump isn’t the best person

But I’m not saying Biden is a good person




Kamala Harris should try to lead lol

I don’t know enough about her but I think she’d be a pretty good president
+1 vote
by (159k points)

In this fight, BIDEN VS TRUMP!!!

Okay, so here’s the case:

Trump is slightly younger than biden and can do his devastating belly attack.

Biden is slightly older than trump and can do… something. I don’t know.

If Biden is too aggressive with his attacks (which he probably will be), Biden will wear out quickly, trump will charge, and do his belly attack. Victory scene.

If Biden is careful and takes his time, he can manuever around trump’s belly attacks and deliver the finishing blow. Victory scene:

Okay, there’s your answer. Its a tie.

by (523k points)
This is the greatest answer since silence.
by (159k points)
Im confused
by (523k points)
Silence is the greatest answer ever, and this is even better than silence.

...And I also hate politics x3
0 votes
by (10.5k points)
0 votes
by (166k points)
*time travels*

Hi biden won and i know bc i come from the future!

0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Biden already won
I dunno. Whoever is better. (But seriously Biden has all ready winned) still there both... I think Joe Jorgensen personally. But I'm only nine.
+1 vote
Biden bc trump tells women what to do with their body- he doesn't own them..

Plus he doesn't support equal pay for women or lgbt
by (34.7k points)
Abortion is murder
No he does not he is trying to make abortion illegal anyway. Biden wants abortion.
by (82.8k points)
Abortion is not murder. Ur literally killing a clump of cells. Sometimes u don’t have a choice. For example, what if ur rlly small? Like a 12 yr old might not be physically able to have a child without dying. Please don’t say that until you know how it works.
Abortion is not murder. I agree with Biden. He says that it is the woman’s choice. Trump doesn’t! If the woman cannot take care of the child, it is their choice to abort. Or if it was an accident or abuse.
by (82.8k points)
by (82.8k points)
Bro it is not a human being. It is a clump of cells. And some ppl can’t physically have a baby. For example if a twelve year old accidentally gets pregnant, and she’s under weight, she could die if she had that baby. And even if this was made illegal, woman would still be doing it, just under the radar, meaning it’s way more dangerous. Please do ur research. It is not a human being it’s a clump of cells.
by (34.7k points)
Yes yes yes inside your mothers stomach you are alive you eat the food she eats you drink the drinks she drinks you are alive in there you have NEVER been a clump of cells!!
But yes I understand a 12 year old but Jas that ever happened??
by (34.7k points)
It has happened, sadly.
by (82.8k points)
Yup, it does. And no, the baby isn’t fully developed til at least 4 months in. When u get the abortion, it is a clump of cells. It slowly develops into a human being. But if ur only a couple months in, the baby is still a clump of cells.
when did you become a human? those are human cells and you became a human when the egg was fertilized
by (34.7k points)
If it’s a living creature or even a “clump of cells” it’s murder.
by (82.8k points)
Look I understand abortion is a sad thing to go thru. But sometimes u have to have one. Some ppl can’t physically or mentally handle a baby.
by (34.7k points)
i’m changing this because i was rude back then. have a nice day :D
by (82.8k points)
Lol it can be an accident
Even if it was an accident, you could put it on adoption. And if the mother’s life is in danger, she could take meds that could help her. They were invented y’know
by (82.8k points)
my god, sometimes the mom can't physically give birth to it. Sometimes meds dont work. She could die!
by (165k points)
Medication will not fix everything. It's not chemicals or germs that will kill the mother, therefore, medication will not do anything. What kills the mother is physically giving birth, and if the mother is, for example, 12, then there is no way they will survive, they are not meant to give birth at that age. Even some adult women die from giving birth. But if it's a child then their body is too underdeveloped. And adoption won't fix that, you still have the kid. Abortion, however sad, is the only way sometimes to save the mother, especially when the child is likely to die either way. For most of the time, yes, having a child is preventable by not getting pregnant, but there are some cases in which the mother wouldn't've given consent, it wouldn't be their fault. And another thing with meds. If a mother is unable to have a child, and they give her medication for it, what do you think that medication likely is? Likely, it's just another way of killing the fetus without surgery. There is no medication that can speed up the mothers' development enough to have a child, none. If they are unable to have an abortion, they will die. Another thing, wouldn't abortion be part of women's rights? Women's rights are that women can choose what happens to their body, and therefore, abortion would be part of that, the ability to abort a child is part of choosing that.
by (82.8k points)
Wow Luna you’re so educated this is why I love you haha. Very well said my friend :)
by (165k points)
Thank yooou!
by (82.8k points)
Np!!! :)
Unicorn Friend, inside your mothers stomach, you WERE once a clump of cells. You can just magically appear as a little human, you have to start as an embryo (I think) then you grow into a baby shape instead of cells.


If I’m wrong, correct me, also, how did a Biden argument turn into a baby argument??????

by (165k points)
Well, it's not just "magically appearing" but close enough I suppose.
Yeah we need womans rights back!ABORTION RIGHTS WE NEED  -Yoda

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