+16 votes
in Fanfiction by (350k points)

I glanced up and shook her hand. “I think I’ll be fine,” I said softly, “my parents were sorted into this house as well. They made me maps...” I coughed. “And thank you, maybe...” I said shyly. Birch meowed very loudly at Columbia and arched his back in a hiss.

“Sorry!!” I gathered him up, as Columbia looked at me with eyebrows raised. “He never hissed at people...”

I got to bed immediately after. I could tell Columbia didn’t like me.

The next day I woke up and slowly made my way out of the dorm. I saw no one as it was early morning and sat down on one of the armchairs.

“Morning Birch.”

The cat had slept in the common room, enjoying the attention of the students and basking in his glory. He opened an eye and looked at me intently. Then he stretched, pulling himself forward and yawning and showing his white fangs.

“Don’t make such a show, Birch. Wake up.” I grumbled.

The cat walked over to me and mewed, as if to say, “why are you being so grumpy?”

“First day of school, Birch...” I replied slowly. “But you’re a cat. You don’t go to school, you don’t embarrass yourself. Except if you become a cat meme star. But that’s muggle cats. You, Sir Birch, are not a muggle cat.”

Birch meowed appreciatively.

I smiled. “Well! First day, and I need to make sure no one shows me up or makes me, like, get all flushed up and red in the face...”

Birch laughed in his cat way. “Hey!” I said, but he jumped off the air chair and headed off somewhere. “Sir Birch!! Get back here, mister!!”

He didn’t return. Probably hid somewhere.

I sighed, got up, and stopped mid stride. A young boy with bright hair and eyes was standing there, maybe a 4th year, sniggering. “You talk to cats? Haha...”

I went pink.

“Yes, sir, I talk to cats,” I muttered.

He grinned. “I’m Christopher. I heard your dad is a wizarding celebrity.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“He sings and stuff, right?”

“That’s right...”

“Did you get any of that talent?”

I stared at the boy. “No. I just like to talk to cats and be boring.”

“Hmmm, what an interesting person you are,” sighed Christopher humorously.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said. “I have to get ready, sorry,” I said, pushing past Christopher.

“Hey, Hey, wait up kid. What’s your name?” He asked, green eyes intent on me. It made me uncomfortable, so I moved away toward the stairs that led up to the dorm rooms.

“Lylth Mere Arvel.” I said. “Just call me Lylth.”

“Just call me Chris, then. I’ll see you later, kid. I’ll try and make you unboring,”

“What do you mean by that?” I said.

He smiled and waved his wand. “Top in my year. Want lessons?”

“I’ll have to decline, I’m already 5th year level.” I said calmly, with a thin lipped smile. He stared past me as I climbed the stairs and disappeared into my dorm room. Acting like a big brother, sure, but I didn’t need that. All everyone does is treat me like their child, when I want to be their equal.

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