
David, Donatello, ca. 1440, Bargello Florenz-03

Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (most people just called him Donatello) (1386 – December 13, 1466) was an Italian artist during the Renaissance. He lived in Florence and was very famous because he was one of the best sculptors of his times. He used special sort of sculpture technique, or way of doing things, called 'shallow relief', which made his work look very real.

He was the son of Niccolo di Betto Bardi, and was born in Florence. His mother's name is not known. When Donatello was older, he studied with Filippo Brunelleschi the architect. He also helped the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti to make statues for the Battistero di San Giovanni. Some of Donatello's most famous works are statues of Mary Magdalene and a life-size statue of David.

Donatello was one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists. He influenced the renaissance by his new and improved way of international gothic sculpture. “International gothic, a style of graceful, softly curved lines strongly influenced by northern European art” He was serious at his work which has worked successfully through the decades. Donatello accomplished his work because of the detail he would put into every piece.

“For Donatello made his figures in such a way that in the room where he worked they did look half as well as when they were put in their places”. He always put effort and his sculptures were magnificent. He inspired a lot of artists like “Doum” and his art increased in popularity. Most of his work was inspired by ancient sculptures. He was the first sculptor of his time to celebrate the human body, an idea that had died since Greek and Roman times.

Donatello was a very unique and talented person. He inspired many upcoming artists during the renaissance. “Donatello early works was still partly gothic in sculpture”. He was a very intelligent and clear. He knew a lot about medieval times, and would try to convert his knowledge into sculpture. “Here, for the first time since classical antiquity and in striking contrast to medieval art”. Most of his work was fancy and marvelous; he would usually sculpture for mid-class and higher citizens.

He was a detailed and wide ranging knowledge, “Donatello was a master of sculpture in both marble and bronze, one of the greatest of all Italian renaissance artist they had". His work was inspired by ancient visual sculpture examples. He increased in the form of ancient art.He was also a realist which was an artist whose work was characterized by realism. “Though he was a traditionally viewed as a realist later research indicates he was much more”. He would support the measure of artist freedom, in the renaissance. “Donatello seemingly demanded a measure of artist freedom”. His way of international gothic influenced European art.

Donatello is a talented and all-round artist Florence. He influenced the Renaissance by his Gothic style. Most of his art was elegant and stylish. He would softly and gently curve the sculptors which had a great turning effect. He was an impressive artist and one of the greatest who influenced Europe in the renaissance.

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