+14 votes
in KidzNet by (345k points)

The new and improved version of KidzNet is now live. Let us know if you have any problems accessing it. Sorry for the long delay and we really appreciate your patience.

@Commando IKR? I'm really sad now :(
last night i legit thought it wasnt the finished version, and that they'll make it similar to the old kidznet. but now after reading the comments it seems they're trying to be make it like dogonews. i'm still hopeful tho, maybe they'll change it
by (1.1k points)
Yay!!! I can't wait to check it out!!!

10 Answers

+2 votes
by (540k points)
You posted this on my birthday.
by (948k points)
Tell KS that.

by (540k points)
I wish I was born on May 17 2009 tho. Then I would be the EXACT same age as MC java.
by (948k points)
That way, whatever age Minecraft will turn, you would have turned that age too!

One of my friend’s birthdays is on May 17. (Not 2009 though.)
+3 votes
by (345k points)
We just added the ability to submit posts. These will be featured posts.
by (1.34m points)
Not nearly good enough. It's basically submitting a blog post. Not the same. I don't like it.
@PUMPKIN TBH, I don't like it either :(
+3 votes
I know Y'all are disappointed ,but I bet KS put slot of work into the new Kidznet . Why don't we just give it a chance . sure it is nothing like the awesome, cool ,thing that made me want it,Kidnet ,but please appreciate there hard work
by (1.34m points)
You don't understand because you were never a kodznet user


Also I won't blindly like something just because a lot of effort was put in. I am standing up for what's best for the community
I do understand . Trust me I don't really want KN anymore with the new update . the old version was what drew me to want it. Not this

Also I never said you had to like it . I just suggested\asked to give it a chance

Even though I never had it I think the old version was better.
+4 votes
by (8.1k points)
I am new to Kidz Net, and I don't know how to post. Can you help me?
by (345k points)
You can now post by using the 'Post' link located in the top menu. All posts are reviewed for content quality before getting published.
by (8.1k points)

I did not find it.

I open the website from my laptop.

by (345k points)

You can also find it on a mobile device in the dropdown. If you don't see the menu, try refreshing your screen and/or clearing your browser cache.

+3 votes

Not to be rude, but I must say I'm really, really very disappointed. It seems like all of our old posts, friends, groups etc. has been permanently deleted. I don't like the new version, and I think most of the old users won't like it either. Why weren't we notified about this update beforehand so that we could export our data? There were so many posts which are still really important to me, and I was certain that they won't get deleted, so I didn't store them anywhere else. And now, they're lost.

Once again, I'm very disappointed with what y'all did. Therefore, I'm earnestly requesting you to either bring back the old version, or if that's not possible, then please at least bring back our old posts. At the very least please bring back the posts I made in my group "JD's Store Room (Don't Join)". Those were really important to me, so please!
by (345k points)
We have all your posts and data safe and secure. An archive version of the original KidzNet site will be available soon where you can view and download anything you need.

KidzNet just never really took off in terms of growth and memberships. We hope this version can turn things around, but it will take some time. It will improve as we add more social features. Not requiring an account to use it was another big reason for the move.
by (1.34m points)
There will be an archive of the old version, but that still dosen't make this right. I don't like the new one
by (1.34m points)
I'm just gonna delete my new kidznet account because I don't need it
@KidzSearch Thank you! I'll wait until I can access the archive, and I'll probably delete my account after that. I'm sorry to say this, but I feel like I don't need KN anymore, and I think the right time for me to leave has come. BTW, I'm sorry if I offended y'all in any way. I was just really sad, so... I didn't mean to be rude :(
@Pumpkin Yeah, it's understandable. I don't like it either. It looks more like a blog than a social networking site. I'll probably delete my account soon, too.
by (948k points)
KS, will the archive come out?
by (345k points)
We are still working on it. Our focus is still on the new version for now, but the archived version will be out soon and  hopefully integrated into the current one.
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
kidzsearch is the only one who can post. How is it a social network if we can't even post anything?

All we can do is comment on their posts?

I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm disappointed.
by (345k points)
You can also become a contributor to create posts. However, the posts need to appeal to a large audience and encourage discussion. You already have enough points to qualify.
by (1.34m points)
hmmmmm... alright it seems more like a blog. You should rename it kidzblog or something because it's certainly not a social network...
by (345k points)
You can follow comments from your friends and have discussions with them about posted topics. It is a combination blog/social network.
by (345k points)
We will have a link later to post content, but you need to become a verified contributor first. We are trying to keep the content level high which is better for everyone.
by (1.34m points)
is it really better, though?

KidzNet should just be a space for everyone to have a voice. I thought that was what kidznet was about.
I thought it was just gonna be an Updated version of Kidznet. Not a totally new thing (That is what it seems) . It feels like  Kids participate less . (from what I can tell.)

Also from Autumn 's Screenshots it is not as bright as the old version . which I think Kids new to KN will not like it very much.
by (345k points)

We did not want to delay getting it released, so did minimal styling. If you have some color/style suggestions, please let us know. We will have something more appealing soon.

The new version of KidzNet allows much better multimedia content in a post and comments (we had styling issues earlier that are fixed now). For example, we tested the pizza poll post that could not be done on the old version. It allows posts from guests which opens it to a much bigger audience. Many kids cannot get approval to use KidzNet.

We tried for a long time to get the old version to work. There were only a few main contributors. The hope is that with more guided content by content writers it will encourage more use. The pages are much more likely to get indexed by search engines to get new traffic to it. Comments can be followed and are multilevel with email notifications when you get updates on one. It also allows much younger kids to easily participate. It really is a social network for kids, but built around focused quality content to keep them engaged and coming back. 

by (1.34m points)
I think most people will have the same opinion as me and thalia

I seea-=D

I'm really disappointed :(
by (1.34m points)
us long time users... we all are
@Pumpkin :(
by (345k points)
We added the ability to submit posts.
by (1.34m points)
still not nearly good enough imo
by (1.34m points)
it's basically submitting a blog post. Not the same
by (52.6k points)
The new version has changed a lot! The old version was the BEST! T_T
+3 votes
It still says "kidznet is being upgraded"
by (345k points)
Try refreshing your page and maybe clearing your cache if you can. It is working for other people.
Thx it worked
+2 votes

oh no

+2 votes
i like how it says howdy, autumn on the top right of the screen
by (52.6k points)
For me it says howdy, reader'
+2 votes

yayy!!!! (cant think of anything else to say cause its almost 3 am, but im really happy)

also there seems to be something wrong with this. is it supposed to look like this? 

by (345k points)
You need to scroll up to see things. What device are you using?

i can see things fine but i feel like this looks a bit disorganized. and im using tab s6 lite

by (345k points)
Yes, we need to clean it up a bit. Thanks for the feedback.
by (345k points)
We had some styling issues earlier during the launch. You should reload your page, and clear your browser cache if needed to get things to look much better.

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