+5 votes
in Artists Around The World by
I need to promote this more ,but I've been Lazy : P

Anyways I need different methods on how to create a starry sky.

Preferably before the end of the day because I will be gone all day

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (68.9k points)
Best answer

I do not know how with any drawing utensils, but you can paint the canvas or paper or whatever with black mixed with a bit of blue to make a dark navy blue color, or just get some navy blue and add some black to it, or just use black if you want, and then let it dry. After the paint is dry, just get a clean brush, get a bit of white paint on it, and then do the splatter method. BTW, the paint I'm talking about is like, acrylic paint, you know? Not the dry water color palette.

Please tell me if you like it or not.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3


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