+10 votes
in General News by (263k points)
Hey ya'll! I've seen some posts and answers lately about our current and our former president. I would like AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE to vote in this poll- which one do you like better? Trump, or Biden? I'm so excited to see all your answers, truly! :D Please put in the answers/ comments why you chose that option! Today is election day, people! VOTE!

Happy Halloween, as well :)
Trump (6 votes, 33%)
Biden (12 votes, 67%)
by (263k points)
I feel and suppose neither have been the best, but it is a pick between two evils. I chose Trump, because his values line up with mine more than Biden's. However, Biden does seem like a nice person, but I just don't think he is fit to rule the country.

I love seeing all of your responses! Keep it up :)
Sums my Opinions almost Exactly
by (263k points)
I'm glad we agree! :)
Yep I agree Trump at least was not pro abortsion
I feel like this post will cause some future fights not that im one of those hating against this post but you maybe shouldn't post this kind of stuff cuz you might make enemies. like I said im not against it im just warning you.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (95.3k points)
what's the point of voting? most of us aren’t old enough to vote so this is just causing controversy (yet again lol)
by (5.9k points)
Yeah I think I said prepare for world war 3 in my answer
by (155k points)
by (263k points)
I see your point, but controversy can be a good thing! I'm not forcing anyone to answer. Also, I meant vote in my poll, not in an actual election. But, thanks for sharing your two cents :)
+4 votes
I'm Trump ,but only because Biden doesn't stand for The values are country  was built upon AKA Christian values
Well than how come he supports abortion plus just because someone goes to church every day or meets a pope doesn't make him a TRUE Christian
Also Bidens (So far) presidency  has bad for me.
True. ,but life was better under Trump
I agree No ones political beliefs make a person A Christian.
by (155k points)
I kinda does make him non Christian bc do Christians stand for murder? You can say some do. But their not Christian. Christian means Christlike. Christ would not stand for murder. So no Christians can honestly say they are Christians who stand for abortion. They might be saved and go to church. Not Christians who are like Christ.
by (263k points)
Ummm, I read this thing and I have a few comments... if ya don't mind! (Yeah, I know, post is two months old... XD)

1.) The "murder" thing Turtle mentioned is very true. It is a sin to murder. Do you not consider an abortion murder to an innocent child? They did nothing wrong!

2.) a.)First thing about Trump- you don't have to go to church to worship the Lord. I didn't go until last summer- I was still a christian before that! It's rare when I go to church during the school year. I'm so tired and busy! Heck, I haven't even been baptized, but I am just as in love with God and Jesus as I would be if I was baptized! I still consider myself a Christian- wouldn't you? So Trump not going to church is an invalid argument.

b.) I honestly wouldn't be all that suprised if Trump was still currently cheating (Ik he has beforehand), but I haven't seen anything about it. But hey! You could be totally right, Pumpkin! And if he is, that is wrong. I refuse to defend him on that subject. He is in the wrong! It is against the Bible to cheat. But I think cheating (though still wrong) is not nearly as bad as murder, don't you think?

3.) a.)Biden still has blood on his hands. Standing and defending abortion is almost as bad as the abortion itself. He is still allowing and supporting the killing of those who cannot defend themselves. Okay, now we are about to go down a rabbit hole! XD... Hitler was bad, yes (No, I am not calling Biden "Hitler")? Part of his "Final "Solution" was to eliminate the Jews (most of us know that), but also those who were proven usless or weak to society. He would kill those who could not defend themselves. So Hitler was a murder, right? Well, Hitler didn't kill them himself, did he? No. But he was still just as bad. Now just because Biden hasn't been personally involved in abortions, doesn't mean his defense for them is right.

b.) I'm glad to hear that we agree abortion is wrong! But just because of someone's religous beliefs may think that killing an unborn baby is okay, doesn't mean the country should allow it (I worded that so wierd, but I can't figure out a better way to do it! Either you get it or you don't- please don't say I repress or think other religons should be outlawed!). Murder should appear wrong to everyone, regardless of religon or culture! Especially innocent blood. So even though it is a sin to murder in Christianity, it is also against federal laws. No offense to anybody, but I don't quite get why some people don't get that :/

c.) Generally speaking, I think (I haven't checked statistics for this) most abortions are from young people being, er, risky. I someone decided to engage in such behavior (KNOWING THE CONSEQUENCES- C'mon, anyone doing that well knows what could come from such behavior), and got prengnat, I think they should suffer the consequences, not the baby. It didn't do ANYTHING wrong! The mother could always put it up for adoption, but taking its life is something else. Of course, victims of some crimes are a different story.

4.) a.) C'mon, dude! The Bible is pro-life: it says to be fruitful (if ya know what I mean. Sorry this is a strange topic/post :P), and that it is also a sin to murder (which we have discussed numerous times now XD).

b.) Pumpkin, you said the Bible had nothing written with the word "abortion" in it. You also said the Bible was writen "waaaay before abortions were even a thing." We know that! So, if ya see what I'm gettin' at...So if how can something be written in the Bible that abortions were bad? According to you, they didn't even exist back then! So how could the people of the Bible know? Plus, the Bible is meant to be interpreted on a deeper level- it takes a little brainwork and context. Things aren't always as they appear!

5.) Doesn't winning a political debate (official, or even like as I am doing here) mean you have to defend your side? Yes, it does, so I don't get why using the Bible as a foundation for your political belief (which are basically based on a person's moral values) is a "messed up thing." Also, what do you mean by "twisting?"

Anyways, I couldn't help but comment! I hope this post doesn't ruffle too many feathers- still glad and open to hearing others opinions, just as everyone else has (now) heard mine!
by (155k points)

Pumpkin the Bible is not Pro-life. What is the 6th commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Abortion is killing. Killing is a sin. Yes Trump is Cheating I understand that. But really you would rather stand for someone who MURDERS INNOCENT BABIES. Yes ornament owl I 100℅agree with your 3. C. IF YOU DONT STAND ON THE WORD FOR YOUR FOUNDATION ON ANYTHING, DEBATE, RELATIONSHIPS, EVEN YOUR FAMILY. YOUR GOING TO FALL INTO SIN. NY LOGIC ISNT FLAWED, IM NOT 'MESSED UP' TO USE MY LORD AND SAVIORS BOOK THAT HE SPOKE INTO PEOPLES HEARTS TO WRITE. RIGHT NOW I HAVE A GOOD FOUNDATION. Remember that song we sang as kids at church?   Pumpkin how about you stop getting into arguments and messing with things you obviously don't know about. 

by (155k points)
Them ornament owl I really needed some backup and those pointers were perfect!
by (263k points)
Woah woah woah, where on earth did this post come from!?
by (155k points)
Sure it does. I'm sure all caps definitely hurts your feelings. Really. That's what u use as a defense? You can't just demand an apology. Look I'm done arguing when abortion becomes legal in all states you can apologize too me then if youd like.
by (263k points)
Wait, but you tried to force an apology... anyways, I already asked it, but Pumpkin, what was that post from??????
by (263k points)
Idk :/ I just think ya'll are kinda being hypocritical. ANYWAYS. How's your day going??
by (263k points)
Eh, yeah, very tired XD Sooooo much work to do before my final exams and the end of the semester. It's a real pain!
by (137k points)

@CC Hitler actually did kill himself.

by (263k points)

I said, 'didn't kill them himself,' as in Hitler killed other people ;)

But, I do have my suspicions...

Also, Pumpkins comments/ responses are all gone? Now I look schizo T_T

by (137k points)
Oh noooooooooooooo! I knew you couldn't have been wrong, welp, I would delete that, but I won't.
by (155k points)
After an argument he always deletes his part of it m
by (263k points)
Nooooo, all good JJJ! :)

And omg, what? Dude, that's kinda weird...
by (155k points)
+3 votes
by (1.34m points)
prepare for world war 3
by (155k points)
by (68.9k points)

LOL. Honestly, IDK, I mean, I'm only 11, so... well, you know, I don't about politics and blah blah blah.

Wraya consider yourself lucky...
by (68.9k points)

Oh, okay then! grin I have no idea why it would be lucky, okay, maybe because it's boring, but, oh well.

~ Wraya <3

by (263k points)
Lol, Pumpkin, your answer had me ROLLING XD Honestly, you are very right, but I still want to know!
by (155k points)
@pumpkin (kitten) True, lol.
Omg this is what I said to my parents when people were still talking about trump in 2022
by (263k points)
Which one lol

"World War III?"
I think that both Presidents did wrong thinks I think that both of them are not true Christians but I do not think that one sin is worse than another " James 2 : 10 Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it " James 2 : 10 . I think that we should have conv about this stuff because if we can learn to keep our cool here we can do it when we grow up and It strenghs are faith and helps us to learn about others point of view but I do not think we should hurt ecother .

I think that aborstion is wrong I because killing is wrong and babys are humans no matter how big I think Trump is right about no murdering . But he was also rude and did do wrong things with is wife , he was also racist . I think Biden is wrong about womans chose. I think murder is wrong " You shall not murder The Ten Commandments . I think its sad that some women are raped that is wrong as well but two wrongs don't make a right . And there are places that can help like Samartians Purse and others . And some woman sell them selfs for things and end up having a baby I understand that they think that that is there only choose but it is still wrong .

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