+10 votes
in Sports by (272k points)

We finally did it! Last Friday night, our football team won, qualifying and ensuring us a spot in playoffs!! Those boys played HARD. And it was below freezing as well.... Sorry, I just wanted to say that :) Thanks to the people who have been praying and wishing us luck. Here we go! Whooooooooo! 

Go team!!!!!! clapping-hand

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (143k points)
+1 vote
by (587k points)
I know it's l8. But, great Job!!!

Also I love how you spelled boy like boi with lots of extra Is.
by (272k points)

Haha!! Thanks anyways!! The boys would appreciate it :) We had a really emotional, heartbreaking, and super risky loss :( Several players were injured. 

The final score?? 0-51 T_T 

Only gotta wait a couple more months until football season starts again!! :DDD 

Hahahaha!! Thanks :p

by (587k points)
I am not really into sports as of now
by (272k points)
That's cool!! Just wait till high school, you won't have to like or be interested in sports to be interested in Friday night football games ;)
by (167k points)
Think I know what you are talking about! XD

Is Tom on the team?
by (272k points)

Oh, well, Ig that too!! XD I was thinking just because almost EVERYBODY goes to the games!! But that too, ;)

No, he's not doing football this year, but he has become quite the baseball player, actually!! I've been to a couple of games of his. The first game, I said like, "you've got this Tom!!" He got so nervous when he heard my voice and struck out a-^^He later told me he was so nervous because he wanted to look okay for me, and that while he was at the plate, his legs were shaking!! XD

by (1.12m points)
My dad is a huge baseball fan.
Elo, same here. Bother my dad and brothers and aunt and grandparents are baseball fans.

Cheer, omgoodness XD.
by (272k points)
I have slowly taken a bit of liking to the sport ;)
by (167k points)

Are you going to go to any more of his games?
by (167k points)
Same! Thalia! Well, I don't have a brother but yah. My grandparent and aunt are like huge Ranger fans! That's like all they listen to on the radio and it's so boring! Well, my aunt is a huge sport nut.
by (272k points)

When I was younger, I used to listen to the college basketball games on the radio sometimes when I was trying to fall asleep XD

No, he is playing summer baseball, but I haven't been to any of them lately :( Idek who he's playing for!! D: 

by (167k points)
XD Really! !!!!!!!
+2 votes
That is so Great !! CC(Can I call you that) ! Congrats!
by (272k points)
For sure! Thanks, ya'll! But, today I just found something out today that just about broke my heart- cheerleaders can't go to the game. :( Another team has our ride that day, and it's quite a drive. I still want to go, and I think a few other cheerleaders and I will find our own rides and go anyways! Wish us (and the boys :D)the best of luck!
+2 votes
by (156k points)
Congratulations :D

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