+8 votes
in Other by (68.9k points)

Hi, who is your fave author(s)? And why is he/she your favorite?

Mine is Rick Riordan, and I like him because his books are filled with action and adventure and drama, and I really like fantasy. The way that he writes his books is understandable and clear, I can imagine the scenes in my head perfectly.

~ Wraya <3

by (4.4k points)
And I think the third book is related to Percy Jackson as well.

11 Answers

+1 vote
Roshani Chokshi. The Aru Shah Pandava Novels are amazing. J.K Rowling, her books are good but not her actions.
by (68.9k points)

Yes, yes, yes! Roshani Chokshi is an AMAZING author! I read all of the Aru Shah books, and I have them all. I wish there was a book 6.

I don't like Harry Potter, because it's Satanic, but the storyline is okay, I guess. What did she do? Was it illegal?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
by (3.4k points)
My favorite author is my 16-year-old brother who has four published .
by (68.9k points)

Ooh! Wow! Really? What's his name?

BTW, wanna be friends?

~ Wraya <3

+1 vote
kieara cass look her up she wrote the selection stories and is my hero
by (68.9k points)

Oh! I never heard of her before. I looked her up, and her books seem fun!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
by (961k points)
Jeff Kinney. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is really good.
by (68.9k points)

Oh! Yeah! I've read like, all books of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. That I know of, at least.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (961k points)
The only books I own are books 3 and 6, but I check them out from the library.
by (68.9k points)

Oh, that's cool! <3

by (961k points)
1 month later: I have books 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
+1 vote
by (4.4k points)
Mine too is Rick Riordan, unlike any author his books seem to improve my grammar skills remarkably. I have 2 books of Magnus Chase and am looking forward to the third one.
by (68.9k points)

Cool! That is an interesting fact. Oh, really? That's cool! I have most of his books, it would be all, but I haven't gotten the new-ish book by him yet. It's called 'Daughter of the Deep'.

BTW, wanna be friends?

~ Your hopefully-going-to-be-friend, Wraya <3

by (4.4k points)
Why? I would love to.
by (68.9k points)

Yay! <3

~ Your new friend, Wraya <3

+2 votes

J.K Rowling

by (68.9k points)

Cool! Who's your favorite character that J.K. Rowling made?

~ Wraya <3

+1 vote
by (165k points)
I like him too!! Have you read all of his books like ALL of them? My mom won't let me read the Hero's of Olmpus bc of bad words and the Nico thing. And she won't let my read Magnus Chase bc of the same reason but the Kane Chronicles are really good!!
by (68.9k points)

Yes, I have read every single one, some I read 2 or more times. My parents don't know anything about those books, so they let me and my brother read them. If they knew, they wouldn't let us read them, or own them, because I have all, except the new book, 'Daughter of the Deep', in my house. Yeah, I love Kane Chronicles. The funny thing is, the first series I read was Heroes of Olympus, I didn't know it was related to Percy Jackson at first, haha.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
What I how do you have them if your parents don't know anything about them? and I thought they checked your books before you read them? AND that is SO funny my Mom actually recamed PJ
by (68.9k points)

Oh, they don't check the books, well, my mom always flips to a random page and skims it, and if it's okay to her, she buys it.

She calls it PJ?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Ohh my mom checks books on Redeemed Reader ( a Christen book review site) and no she doesn't but I just did that to shorten it.
by (68.9k points)

Oh! That's cool! Is it okay if I tell my mom about that 'Redeemed Reader' website? Oh, okay, cool, I do that too sometimes.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

No go ahead it's great if you want to find some new books, they even have a reading challenge! Am doing the 25 books my sister is doing the 50 book one and my mom is doing the 13-book challenge! cool!

by (68.9k points)

Oh, yay! Thank you! I would love to do a reading challenge! I need to tell my mom about it right now!!! grin That's cool!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

yah we can do it together!! Tell me whitch one your going to do! URW!! have fun!grin

by (68.9k points)

Yay! Okay! grin

by (165k points)


+1 vote
Uh C.S. Lewis, because of Narnia, and that is kinda Christian like. Then also T.R.R. Tolkien because he also wrote some Christian like books. Then also like a series that I like, I forgot the author of it, but is called Millie Maven. It is also Christian related. Then um some other Christian books I like are, Invisble for young women, and the power of a praying teen. Then ofc my top fave author is God! Like the Bible is the best book ever! I personally like the NIV version.
by (68.9k points)

Yes, I agree! C.S. Lewis wrote Narnia to be about Christianity, and J.R.R. Tolkien's books are mostly all about Christianity, especially The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings. I never heard of a book called Millie Maven.

When I read the Bible, I read it ESV, but sometimes I read what my arents have, which are Korean, but I don't know what it's called.

~ Wraya <3

+1 vote
Hmmmm this is Hard. Maybe C.S Lewis or ... I don't know ! Rick is cool ,but is he mah favorite.IDK
by (68.9k points)

Yeah, I like C.S. Lewis too, 'Narnia' is a Christian story, so I like it, it's also really fun. I also like J.R.R. Tolkien, I like him because the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy and the 'Hobbit' actually have a Christian meaning in it. It's really hard to chose 1 favorite author.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (156k points)
How is Narnia a Christian Story
by (68.9k points)

There's a deep meaning in it. Since my family is strong Christian, my mom does a lot of research on books that I like, to see if they're ok for me and my brother.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
I love Rick Riordan too, but I don't really have a favorite.
by (68.9k points)

Yeah, I understand that, I love so many different authors, but I just chose Rick Riordan because I have all of his books that he wrote.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

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