+7 votes
in Other by (68.9k points)

Hi, I know many people already do this sort of stuff, but I want to do it too. Just please don't ask super creepy things, I know nobody will though, because everyone here is awesome and not creepy. Go ahead, ask me stuff like how old I am, or what my fave color is, or what my fave food is, something like that. You can also ask about fashion and homework and stuff.

~ Wraya <3

5 Answers

+1 vote
Are you a mixed-up between 2 area? (for example: Asian-European)
by (68.9k points)

Great question, both my parents are from South Korea, like, pure blood and they were born there, but I was born in California, so I always like to say that I'm Korean-American. grin

What about you? Btw, wanna be friends? Or are we already friends? I'm sorry, I'm a bit rusty, haven't been online in a month.

~ Wraya <3

+3 votes
by (951k points)
What is your favorite color
by (68.9k points)

I don't really have one, I like so many colors, lavender, baby blue, baby pink, foggy gray, khaki green, and many others. There's no specific color that I like, but those colors are my most favorite ones.

Thanks for the question!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (951k points)
Cool! My fav is yellow.
by (68.9k points)

That's cool, my mom's fave color is yellow too. May I ask why you like the color yellow?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (951k points)
Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, but I like it because it reminds me of happiness.
by (68.9k points)

That's okay. That's good to know.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+4 votes
Do like to be weird on purpose ? (Not saying you are . I just Like being weird on purpose)
What is your Fashion Style ?
What's your favorite kind of music ?
Do you like writing ?
by (68.9k points)

1. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, but mostly I do

2. idk, casual, classy, sometimes vintage, and obviously artsy

3. K-pop

4. Yes, but I like typing on a laptop better, because writing hurts my hands if I write too much

Thank you for the questions!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (951k points)
Same with 4. Writing too much in a short amount of time (especially cursive) makes my hands hurt.
by (68.9k points)

Writing in cursive isn't really my thing, I sometimes do though.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+3 votes
by (155k points)
1. What is your favorite anime/manga series?

2. Do you like to listen to music? If yes, name some of your favorite artists.

3. I have heard that you're from Korea. Do you still live there or have you moved to another country?

4. What is your dream job?
by (68.9k points)

1 - Either 'Komi Can't Communicate' or 'Your promised Neverland' or 'Beasts of Abigaile'

2 - Yes, I love to listen to music, I like K-pop, I don't really have a favorite song or singer/rapper/song writer

3 - I was actually born in L.A. California, but my whole family except me and my brother are from Korea, I never lived there before, but I have been there 2 times for about 3 months, I live in the U.S. right now, but not in California.

4 - I don't have one, but maybe a K-pop idol (because I'm good at singing and dancing), a model (I've been on a real runway before), an artist (maybe), an animator, or a baker (because I love to bake).

I would love to answer more questions. grin

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (155k points)
Cool :D

Thanks for answering my questions <3
by (68.9k points)

No problem!

+4 votes
What was the best thing a person has done for you ?

How did you get so good at Art !?!?

Are you the youngest , oldest, or middle?

What is something your Crazy about ?

I might ask more later ! Love Thalia
by (68.9k points)

1 - Probably when my parents took me and my brother on a long vacation to South Korea and around the U.S. except for Florida and Hawaii, but that was basically for my mom, because both her parents passes away, so we took the long vacay to get her mind off things and get settled somewhere new, but it was fun, so I guess that counts, right? If that doesn't count, then I guess for my 5th birthday, since my dad is a baker, he made me 2 two-tiered cakes, and about 50 mini cupcakes, they were all 'Frozen' themed, I didn't really know how much my dad put effort into them at that time, but now that I think about it, he did an amazing job and worked hard just for me.

2 - I have no idea, my friends and parents say that I was born with a talent, but when I was young, I sucked, so... I honestly don't know for that one.

3 - I am the youngest from me and my brother, I am also the youngest for my whole entire family that lives in Korea and Canada, but my cousin that moved to Canada might get a baby, because she got married about a year ago, and then she moved there.

4 - Fashion, drawing, baking, or sweets that aren't too sweet.

Okay! I'd love to answer more questions!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (58.1k points)
OMG I’m from South Korea too!!
by (68.9k points)




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