+5 votes
in Random Posts by (98.4k points)
I'm having my autocorrect say stuff


Llama lover is a bit early to get a profile picture of the face of the face of the face of the face and the machines are you doing today is the best way to get a profile picture of your life and your mom says you are reading this then you must know the black on vlace challenge and I just Said that I am not sure what to do a black challenge on version of the face of the the of the face of the face of a woman is the most important part in this is my dog and my son and my family is going well well me and my parents and family are going to have to go out and get some type and I will try and make a list for the idea that I have. Lol that was glorious

5 Answers

0 votes
by (86.0k points)
0 votes
by (543k points)
Ok This is funny
+1 vote
brown brown is a brown brown gray gray brown gray green gray gray brown gray gray green gray gray brown gray

Green yellow green orange green yellow green brown green green brown brown yellow green green brown yellow

I just want my teeth and then I’ll get the same thing and get a black mask and I’m like and it’s a black

Autocorrect is funny
+1 vote
OMG hilarious. Auto correct makes no sense these days.....Google too advanced lol
by (98.4k points)
+1 vote
by (40.2k points)
I'm not sure if you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you p p people who are you escaping the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you want to the Duo coaster k know what you

That was...

I don't have a a lot of people who are you escaping the Duo coaster k know what to the shop and schedule some of his cake
by (98.4k points)
Hmm duo coaster..

downloadhaha lol 

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