+5 votes
in Random Posts by (97.3k points)
Hey! I need a new night routine, morning routine,  and a new breakfast! Tell me what you do!

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (947k points)
For weekdays, I get up at 7:15AM, go to the restroom, and laze around. At 7:30AM, I eat my breakfast, 2 Eggo waffles, and laze some more. At 8:00AM, I get dressed, being done 8:10AM to 8:20AM, and laze even more. At 8:30AM, I eat my snack and go to the restroom one last time.

Fast forward to end of day, I get home at 4:00PM, go to the restroom, and eat a snack, typically finishing at 4:20PM.    I do my homework, finishing at 5:00PM. I laze until 5:30PM, when we have dinner.  I have dessert (assuming I brush my teeth after I get dressed) Then I take a bath (…) and get in my PJs. (……) I have dessert (if I hadn’t) and brush my teeth and floss. I laze around until 9:00PM when I go to the restroom and bedtime.

For weekends, I sleep in until 8:00AM. I laze around until 9:00AM. Then, I go to the restroom and have breakfast. I laze around until 10:30AM, when I have snack. I laze around until (maybe) 12:30PM, when I have lunch. I laze around until snack. At 3:30PM, I have snack. I laze around until 5:30PM, when I have dinner. I have dessert (assuming I brush my teeth after PJs) I take a bath and get into my PJs. If I hadn’t have dessert, I have that. Then, I brush my teeth and floss. I laze until 10:00PM, when I g9 to the restroom and bedtime.
+1 vote
by (260k points)
Ooh! Okay!

Okay, I wake up at 5 a.m. and then I pound my snooze button and sleep till 6:30. Then I go to the bathroom, put my contacts in, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my hair, and all that jazz. I go back to my room (usually around 6:45) and pick out my outfit if I haven't already. If I haven't, it usually takes till about 7:30 to get dressed. If I know what I'm wearing, I'm done at 7:05. Anyways, after that, I watch the news (usually stocks lol), and at 7:49 I leave and go to school. I skip breakfast :p I'm wayyy too lazy.

Okay, school. Blah blah blah.

School is out at 2:50. Depending on the day, I have cheer practice at 3:00. That goes till 5:00. I go home, chill for an hour, then scramble to get al my massive amounts of homework done. That can sometimes range from 8 p.m. to about 4 a.m. Around 5 p.m. I have dinner, and then take my shower after that.  

Sometimes there is a home or away game, so I might leave at 3:00 for the game. I usually do not get home before midnight. I go home and shower, and might do homework. I will sometimes do it on the bus.

Anyway, tbh it is not a healthy schedule XD
+1 vote
In the morning I usually wake up at 6:30am since I am homeschooled. I make my own breakfast (well, sometimes I make it or my brother does) then at like 7:20 or so I get dressed and then do school for 3 hours. Sometimes I have extra things in the afternoon. At night I usually clean my room a 7pm and take a shower at 7:15. Then I read for 30 minutes from 8-8:30pm. My mom says reading will help calm down your brain. I hope this can help you too, OrnamentOwl! Stay safe!
Am homeschooled too !!!!!

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