+7 votes
in You're An Overcomer by
I get embarrassed for stupid reasons as I've said in another post .  I get too embarrassed  to ask simple questions , and , at youth group, we were choosing teams and I, being team captain, didn't choose somebody people were begging me to do and I was vocal about my reasons and I heard peoples comments---------------- so , Yeah.

    I can can't focus on school because I keep thinking about that. How do I get over it ? And how can get over this AWFUL quirk ?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (68.9k points)

I am the same, I can barely say anything without feeling stupid. I honestly don't know, I mean, I always think back on that stuff, like when once, in youth group, we got a question about the Bible, from a teacher, and a guy asked me if I understood, and I heard "Do you understand guys?" instead of "Do you understand this?". So I started answering like this "Well, yeah, I do, I mean, I hang around guys too much! Especially here! (since I'm the only girl), I mean, I understand you, and, ", and he interrupted me, and said "No, do you understand the question?", and when he said that, I knew I was blushing, and since I understood the question, I said "Well, yeah." and I started explaining to him. I still feel so embarrassed. If you wait a little bit, you'll start worrying about other things, or maybe not worry, and feel excited about other things, it might not get off your mind, but you won't think about it that much, don't worry. I experience embarrassments a lot.

I hope this helped!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
I'm not trying to diagnose you but you might have social anxiety.
+1 vote
by (165k points)
So you did'nt choose someone every one else wanted you to bc ??? And they got mad ?? bc ??? So why did you not want to choose him/ her ??
Yes. I felt like I wouldn't be a good Team captain if I chose him. No they didn't.

Because everyone else my teammates wanted me to.
by (165k points)
Ohh so what you thought was right everyone else got mad at . mm maybe your a bit of a rebal going against the crowd well you did what was right it does'nt matter if everyone else was mad you did what was right . That took guts girl so good for you !!


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