+6 votes
in Other by (40.6k points)
So we sit together at lunch and we were talking one day about the bible and stuff and he asked me "how do you know the bible is true?" I don't really remember what I said but it wasn't very solid of an answer. We're both Christians. What would you have said?
I used to have a crush and I think I like him again what should I do?
Just act Nice around him include him a lot of things take up for me everyone likes me at my school. Hope It hope it helps you

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (261k points)
Best answer
Well, it sounds like you gave it your best shot!

I would have said that I can't prove it. I doubt anyone can. But the whole point of Bible is following God and having faith and trust in him, even when you seem to be alone. There was this quote in "Polar Express," and although it is about Santa, I think it works for God, too! It was "Seeing isn't believing, but believing is seeing."

Also, why would I want to go through life without God and Jesus? They give purpose to our lives, help us lead good ones. Hey, there's even the possibility that there is no God- but I don't and won't ever take that chance that there isn't.

It's cool you guys are both Christians- so are my crush and I! Well, we go to a Christian school, so.... lol
0 votes
I would not talk to them ever again
by (40.6k points)

Nooooooooooo! Your joking right?! giggle

+1 vote
I don't know. I'm Jewish. But, you could say," I believe the bible is true."
by (261k points)
Neat! This is SO dumb, but I haven't seen any Jewish people on here!!

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