+10 votes
in Debate by
I might reveal my name in this post but I don’t believe in god for a number of reasons. Now I feel like I’m left out of a lot and I’m not good enough because I don’t believe in god. Help!
bruh same
by (17.3k points)
beleave in GOD he is real.

15 Answers

0 votes
0 votes
by (6.1k points)
I don't even know where I am with religion vs science and I honestly don't care enough to pick a side. It's just a huge argument over something as stupid as personal belief. We don't know if there's an afterlife, because no one's seen it and survived to tell the tale. We also don't have any living early humans around to say that evolution is real. Why should we even bother fighting about this when there are infinitely worse things we could be working together to get rid of? It's dumb.
by (528k points)
I'm with you 100%.

It just irks me when people use their religion and say it's a fact and then get mad at you for saying the same about science.
by (205k points)
Well I kinda agree with U
0 votes
Can I ask the non believer here to do something? Please
by (155k points)
What would you like me to do, as a basically non believer?
I'd like you to take this as a challenge that you really want to complete, for 7 days seek God whole heartedly and really, really try to find him, if you do not find him then, you can count it as a try, but you have to actually try. In every situation I would like you to ask God what you should do and ask him for help. I pray you find God in this, I promise you will not regret this. Thank you! Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, knok and it will be opened to you... Mathew 7:7-8
by (528k points)
You may not understand, but I can find "God" in myself.
No I don't understand. what do you mean? I'd like you to read the rest of Mathew 7:7-8
The lord is my ancor in the fiercest storm, my friend in the day of peril, my cornerstone and salvation there is no other like God.
by (528k points)
You wouldn't understand easily, and you probably wouldn't want to. What I'm saying is, I'm not going to search for some man in the sky, and I'm not going to read a book on that. I'm not going to waste my life to please someone who... Accepts you conditionally.
But i do want to understand and I ask you to at least try to seeking God. What is a day of trying? If you want to you can do it longer but I want you to do it for at least 24 hours. He accepts you no matter what you did. How do you not want that, a friend who stays with you no matter what, no better friend can you find. I pray for you
You do not know what a friend is until you have God, you do not know what joy is until you found God, you do not know what it feels like to have such a friend to lean on until you meet God in a storm.
by (528k points)


by (155k points)

Okay okay okay how do I know I found god

You will know, there is no greater joy, you will not regret this but you actually need try. Thank you for trying.
seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you. blesses are those who hunger and thirst fr righteousness for they shall be satisfied.
0 votes
by (23.7k points)
god is real and loves you u should go to a church youth group they're fun and they tell you about god
+1 vote
by (205k points)
God is real and he loves you!
+1 vote
I believe in God. I have had struggles with my walk with him. I would recommend joining a youth group because YOU will find him. I'm praying for you. He is good, and maybe start by saying a prayer. There is no right or wrong way.
+1 vote
I believe in God. I have had struggles with my walk with him. I would recommend joining a youth group because YOU will find him. I'm praying for you.
0 votes
by (87.1k points)

I personally... don't believe in god. Not really. I mean, I guess that I sorta believe in something... that might have came a long long long long long time ago and maybe set the events of The Big Bang and evolution. (So yes I do believe in both of those things.) I'm just... not sure what that thing is, or what it does, or if it exists anymore, or if it ever did exist, so basically I don't know anything. I'm still trying to figure my beliefs out. So I put Idk

People say who made God? I tell you no one made him. To understand you must understand that everything with a beginning has a cause, the universe has a beginning and therefore requires a cause mass energy has a beginning and therefore requires a cause, but God has no beginning and therefore requires no cause. It might be hard to grasp but it is so.
+2 votes
by (14.6k points)

If you really want belive in God and don’t just want to because people you know do. Then say this prayer. 

Dear Lord Almighty, 

I come to you as a Humble Child,
You know what I seek before I say,
You what I need before I could even ask,
I ask you Dear Father to be with me in these hard times.

When all my hope, faith and strength are fading
Father lift me up. Make me see your light

Make me believe in you again dear god.

Make me strong, give me your power to survive the 
Great storm, you are the only father we trust.
Father I love you, I worship you and I praise you
I know all is well in Jesus name


I know it seems like a lot. But it helps. Then continue to pray for things that are important to you. Or people, but don’t forget to thank God. Or Jesus, did you know that he died on the cross just so he could forgive our sins? It’s true. Then he rose from the dead and out sins were forgiven. Instead of saving himself which he could’ve done so easily, he died. For us. Also, read this scripture and memorize it. This on is my favorite.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but live eternal life. John 3:16

Also note that going to church isn’t what makes you Christian.

I’m praying for you.

- KayQueen

by (116k points)


0 votes

Well, lemme say something. First, Christians--people who believe in Jesus--believe that whoever believes is granted eternal life.

Second: Blaise Pascal said,

     "If I wager that God is real, and I am right, I am granted eternal life. If I wager that God is real, and I am wrong, I lose nothing. If I wager that God is a myth, and I am wrong, I lose eternal life. If I wager that God is real, and I am wrong, I lose nothing"  (I paraphrased for clarification)

Third: there is proof that the Dead Sea scrolls were dated using carbon dating to be two thousand years old and were discovered in between 1947 and 1956. They had prophecies that came true (research it yourself) it could be a coincidence, but that is EXTREMELY unlikely.

Fourth: there is proof that a man names Jesus 2alked the earth saying he was the son of God (Research it yourself), because it is written in history books that aren't the Bible. It is up to you to decide if you believe that he was the son of God

That is my salvation testimony, I give it to you now, and I encourage you to research the facts.

Also, try reading the Gospel, for fun. See if anything helps you choose to believe or not.

The Bible is a history book the oldest in fact written by people who some whent over 800 years and I prefer to take advice from a 800 year old then a 80 year old if even.
by (87.1k points)

I have heard this before, the one that if you believe in god and he doesnt exist nothing will happen. But... i dont want to believe in something or someone just because if I dont I'll be punished. I know that sounds a little counterintuitive, but I want to beieve in something because I really believe in it 

You will not be punished for not believing in him but for rejecting him. But in the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is God and there is no other.
by (87.1k points)
Maybe... but how am I rejecting him?? I just don't believe in him
If you say you will do somthing and someone say you can't do it, you will feel they do not believe in you. We were made for a relationship with God. You do not know the joy of the lord until you have found him and love him.

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