+7 votes
in Art & Music Contests by (86.0k points)
Um so all my friends breasts are growing and are getting v-discharge and are probably close to their period but nothing is happening to me! Help!
by (263k points)
Eventually I'll answer but I've gotta go cheer for the state game!! :D
by (86.0k points)
Nice! Good luck!

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (263k points)
Best answer
Unfourtunatly we lost :( But I am so proud of those boys!! :D

Anyways, on to your question!

Don't you worry about it at all! Your friends' bodies are just growing a tad faster than yours, and that's okay!

Your er, chest (lol I don't wanna say it online :p) might grow soon, it might not. It is different for everyone! I'm 15, going to be 16, and my chest is on the smaller size. It's a bit nicer than bigger sizes, though- apparently, your back can really hurt from being big-chested. Be happy nothing has happend yet!

As for your period, don't sweat it. You may not get it until high school. It really depends on certain factors, like your age and activity. I got mine when I was 9 (I was VERY early!), probably because I wasn't as active I am now. My friend has been very active her entire life, so she just got hers last fall at the ripe old age of 15. :p Jojo is also right- periods are a PAIN! I hate it hate it hate it! There are so many things you can't do when you are on your period, and products are kind of expensive :/ And for some people, it hurts. I'm lucky enough to not really feel it.

Anyways, Phoniex, you have nothing to worry about! Savour your youth!!  Best of luck :)
by (86.0k points)
I’m sorry you lost, the people who won must’ve been really REALLY good to beat you! I’m not active, I do theatre. Thanks for the advice!
by (263k points)
Heh! Thanks :)


Hey, I do theater, too! I take a class :)
0 votes
by (543k points)
Y is thus in art and music contests?
by (86.0k points)

MY bad hehehe ?
0 votes
Same! I just turned double digits and I got the same problem. It. Sucks. Like, I'm ready... But I don't know how I feel. I think someone in the other class got her puberty at age nine but fr I'm still waitin. I heard on the internet that once you start growing a chest, two years from then you'll get puberty but I'm not sure if that's true.
+2 votes
by (165k points)

Hey I understand totally all your friends have something you don't so you think it's really cool but glowing-star SPOILERglowing-star 

IT"S not that fun I got my period when I was 11 ( I am so sorry CC 9 that's horrid ) and my twin still hasn't got hers yet and you know I was mad that I had mine ( I mean really were the same age!) But she is more active than me and exerise's and stuff and I don't . Well anyway periods are the worst!! I mean you can't swim you can't walk normally  and you stink and your underwear are well... you get it. And for you chest it is no fun mine aren't HUGE but there not small and I promise there not fun I mean I think I look so big in like a swimsuit and tight shirts and sleeveless shirts I feel self consices so chests aren't fun either and V... are the WORST EVER I mean you just get of your period and then this I had to use a pad it's so annoying it feel's like you peed your pants .Once my sister saw my underwear and thought I peed my pants it was so embarressing! so IT IS not fun you should be greatful!

by (86.0k points)

Oh. Okay! I am grateful.tongue_smile

by (165k points)
by (86.0k points)
Hehehe I crack my self up.
by (165k points)


+2 votes

Girl don’t worry, not everyone starts a5the same t8me bc no one’s body is the same. Each body is different and you should be proud. ( TBH you should be glad it hasn’t came yet. It’s a pain in the rear ( literally though) and you have to ask your mom to buy you this stuff and it’s not that fun.

by (86.0k points)
Thanks. I’ve read about the things you should buy and I’m not do not like the idea of tampons and sticking something inside of your, er, you know…

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