+7 votes
in Venting by (261k points)

Hey ya'll! I've been gone for about a week, which is about as long as I have ever been inactive. Anyways, I hope all is well with you guys!! 

So, a bunch has happened over the past week that I have been DYING to post! But ofc, I've been busy. 

Am I a newspaper? 'Cause it's a new issue every day!! skull

Issue #1: Dustin

Well, a bunch has happened with Dustin. After school that day, he proceeded to call me to apologize, saying he felt so bad for what happened that day. We talked for a bit, life went on, and I guess he likes me! Yay! Ish. You'll see later why it's "ish" and I'm not already dating this guy. Anyways, so we've been texting, he's been pretty flirty in person and online. Life goes on. 

Issue #2: New Cheer Coach and Season

Normally, I'm not worried about this, but lately, I am. Our cheer coach has left us with a new coach, one I secretly really don't like. She's making us replace our perfectly good uniforms with new ones! It's gonna be so hard for me to afford this- I got my uniforms half off because they were used for $200 or $300- new ones cost up to $700. We have to purchase new shirts and bows and all of that junk! Our stuff we used this year is fine! Not to mention, instead of our typical summer training starting and ending in August, it goes ALL. SUMMER. LONG.  Aughhh! I'm just so frustrated! We even have to wear the same exact hairstyle during games!! This new coach is a freaking dictator :(

Issue #3: Work-Life-School Balance

With both cheer and lifeguarding this summer, I'm going to be so exhausted, and I'm worried! Lifeguarding is a high-stress job, and I must be alert at all times- I can't be sore and tired from practice all the time. Ofc, I'm gonna give it a shot, but I'm afraid I will be fired :( Not to mention, with cheer being more intense than last fall and winter, I'm nervous about my grades. Again, gonna give it a shot. 

Issue #4: Tom

Tom is not just a friend. I'm conflicted. Very conflicted. Him and I have been texting everyday for 3 hours at least since about a week and a half ago. I figured (and he really does) he just has a flirty personality. We make jokes that we should date each other and that stuff; I really didn't think anything of it. So we were texting last night, and the topic got to love. He said no one has ever been in love with him, and I said "lol same tho." He proceeded to tell me that's not true- he new of at least two people who did like me. I said "wait, two?" Tom said Dustin, obviously. I asked him if it was him. So I called. When I asked again he just laughed nervously, and quickly changed topics to tell me about his Jimmy Johns meatball sandwich. He eventually gave in. He does. And I sorta like him back too, but I like Dustin also! They both are great guys, but I don't wanna lose either of them. If I didn't pick, I will lose them both. But if I do, what if it's the wrong choice? Another thing, Tom is a year and 8 months younger than me- kinda far off from Dustin's single 8 months. What am I supposed to do you guys!? There's two guys, and only one of me. I'm actually so confused and I feel awful. Please help!!

Try and get back to me before Monday!

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)
While I, being a little late to the party (2 years), hope this situation is still intact (or at least in another form). I can proffer some advice: I would still stick to a girl as a friend even if I was denied a more intimate relationship, as I am a completely committed man (I have no idea if this is true for your men though) and I would happily still be a friend if I still had ties with them.
by (261k points)


TOM AND I DATED FOR ABOUT 3-4 MONTHS AND THEN HE DUMPED ME LOLLLL AND SO I WAS SUPER DEPRESSED FOR LIKE HALF A YEAR WHICH IS SUPER EMBARRASSING. But like Dustin is SO mean to me now, even though I have been nothing but nice to him all along? He gaslights me like crazy, and acts like a girl on her period 24/7. And this is two years after Tom and I broke up?? And Dustin and I were still friends for a bit then he switched up on me?? Like, what??

Anyways, I value your advice! Thanks for answering :) 

And I would totally give you best answer, but I don't want people to see this post T_T

by (137k points)
Thank you so much! You didn't need to do this. Sorry those didn't happen, but you'll definitely have more opportunities if you want them.
+2 votes

I'm fine.innocent life isn't perfect, but I'm at peace . God has been teaching me things lolllll

I Totally get it .!.!.!. 

Yes, yes you are a newspaper XD

Imma split my answers into to parts .


Oh boy, That is going to be difficult ,but yeah give it a shot . maybe You'll do better than you think you will ! Dude, that coach does sound annoying. And Dude, 700$ dollars ! It costs less than that to go to a summer camp. I suggest pray for everything.


Yes, my worst subject. But I'll try mah best.

Okay is Dustin still.with that girl ? Just curious. You are 15, Dustin is either 14 or 15 and Tom is 13 or 14. Take my advice with a grain of salt. Trust me, I'm no good at this stuff. I was watching this show (see what I mean'bout taking it with a grain of salt) where this guy was in a similar situation . He knew who it was. He had always known. But just got confused. 

by (261k points)
Life never is perfect, but I suppose that's part of why it's so great! :) Glad to hear you're doing alright!!

Thanks for the encouragement, Thalia! You can most certainly bet I will be praying over all of my upcoming activities! Really off topic, but I've never been to summer camp- what's it like??

Boys really aren't my strong suit, either XD

Thanks so much, Thalia!! :D
+1 vote
by (165k points)
OMG!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!

ikr!! Your life sounds like a romance novel!

I am in almost the same boat except none of the boys I like like me!

But this does put you in a tough spot!

I would say keep being friends with them talk to them but don't dive into love conversations initially.

I though my love for the first guy had kinda stopped but when I saw him again I was like nope still crushing.

So maybe just try to be nice and maybe give Tom some complements I mean if this is the first person that has liked him he is probably a nervous reck!

Sorry I can't help more am kinda in the same boat!
by (261k points)

Well, if this is a romance novel, I want OUT XDXD

I felt that- the "nope still crushing" XDXD

I will continue to hang out with Tom the way I have been, I suppose. He and I are pretty close, despite only knowing each other for about a month and a half- we hit it of instantly.

Thanks for your advice, Blue! I hope your similar situation turns out okay!!
by (165k points)
XD IKR!!!!!!!!

Nice it must be nice to have someone you hit of with instantly!

Thank you!

Good luck keep us posted!

I wish I had a guy friend like Tom

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