+11 votes
in Technology by (220 points)

Hi, I'm Noah, a 9-year-old boy living in Charlotte, NC. I am here because my parents will not let me get a phone. Even offering to pay for it 100%, they refuse to let me. I still do not know why. I've even asked for a literal Nokia 3310. They still say no. I use my computer an offal lot. That's because: I don't have an iPad. I don't have an iPod. I am stuck to all of the 2-year-old Elmo apps, and that rubbish. I had to reset my laptop even to open Microsoft Edge. I have asked them if I can use it with max restrictions. THEY STILL SAY NO. I also explained that it would be used for emergencies only, and they still refuse. Even if it's a car crash with my parents, they still will say no. Even if our school is on lockdown! STILL NO. I try and work myself down to a smartwatch. Still don't get anything with cellular connectivity. By now, they're saying, "Shut it, little #####!" This is getting more annoying than needed. I ask if we can start a hand-me-down process. Still no. And so now, this is getting overwhelming. I think, "why don't I just give up on this dumb process.." I have begged day and night for a phone. Even if it is one million years old. (that was a hyperbally sarcastic phrase.) I still am begging, I have given them a million reasons. "Mom, I won't do ...bad stuff, I'll use it in emergencies if at school, etc." It's still a no. They don't give a "fish." Thus I am much more angry than needed, due to not having one, even after 2 years straight of begging for one. I am not trying to be greedy or anything, but, we could at least work out a smartwatch deal. So I talk back to my mother. Me: "Mom, if you are able to spend £1,788 on your iPhone 13 Pro Max, then it mustn't be an issue for me to get a flippin'  £22 watch." 

Mom: "How dare you talk back to me! Now you don't get your computer until you get your driver's license."

Me: "Pardon me?"

Mom: (repeats herself)

Me: "Ohh... I get the moral now! Being a kid sucks!"

Mom: "No, that's not what I was trying to say-"

Me: "Act like it!"

And that's how it all went.

Same I’m 12 and this keeps happening. I even asked for an Apple Watch Series 6 and they still say no! If it makes you feel better, there are other people in your shoes.
Hi I actually have the same problem with my parents. But to be fair because of not having a phone I lashed out and figured my way into YouTube even with restrictions. But know I now why the don’t won’t me to see it. Despite being angry I realized that the reason they don’t want me exposed to that content is because they love me and they know the hidden dangers that a 11 year old can’t see. I quote my dad “ sometimes kids just can’t always see the bigger picture and that is what parents are for”. At first I didn’t know what he meant then when I looked at the YouTube stuff I actually saw content that traumatized me. Like I was already scared of bugs but I was getting over it then I saw a video and I was so scared that I still haven’t gotten over that fear. So just remember parents love you and you know that because they have always loved you even when you were just in a stomach they have always loved you and always will. And when their methods may seem rude it is all just to keep you safe. :)
im 16 and still dont have a phone. I've been left by friends at malls and other places with no possible way of contacting parents. it just feels unsafe to go anywhere without a phone at this point. i feel a bad person could see I don't have a phone and take advantage of that situation since they know I cannot get any help. i don't know how I'm going to even get a drivers license or start driving since I do not want to drive without a phone in case of emergency. i cannot imagine myself getting a job either since a lot of jobs require you to get an app of theirs or text your boss. I've had a lot of difficulties with school as well since we have had numerous assignments where we have needed a phone. sometimes we even have resources such as an online textbook and aren't provided with a real textbook and the only way to get the online textbook is by scanning a QR code. i think it is starting to get ridiculous and my mom is just being stubborn and holding onto her own beliefs. i used to have a phone, but it has been over a year. it made sense for me to not have a phone for a year due to my actions, however, I have learned very well since then and she knows this. i also can't imagine driving without being able to use a GPS or have that immediate safety device on me. she assumes I will text and drive however I am not like your average teenager even though I was a phone addict. i still know right from wrong and am able to control myself when genuinely needed. if I really wanted to talk to someone while driving, I could just call them and focus on the road. I've encountered many issues as well such as people giving me trouble at the gym I go to for not having the app and I explained that I don't have a phone and they held me from going for awhile and gave me a hard time. I've lost many friends as well since it can be difficult to maintain contact with me and I have 0 social life now. the friends I have had were too bothered by me using their phone to text my parents and all the difficulties they had to go through just to send me something. in this day and age we are involving, near everyone has a phone. we use ATMs which are digital and credit  cards which are also used digitally.  our world is evolving and at this point it feels that I am deprived of a basic freedom. i haven't left the house in a long time since if I am with a friend they might have to leave early and I am left alone. i am also scared of leaving the house without a phone as I don't know what could happen to me. i tend to draw in weird people for some reason and I know this. I've encountered many strange reactions in real life even at just a mall. i cannot imagine if I was left alone with an odd person and I had no way of contacting anyone. once even I was at my cousins party and there was a father there who was following me around and kept talking to me and flirting with me and was being very creepy. i could not contact my parents or anything and I felt very stressed due to this. many people I have told about my parents not letting me get a phone to think that my parents don't care about me or are crazy. I've mentioned everything that I have just mentioned to my parents but they still don't budge. my parents find every excuse in the book. i am unable to even submit any math homework and have had many troubles with grades due to this. I have good grades now, but every time I get zeros and have to have long talks with teachers for them to give me full points. each time I get a new teacher I have to explain my situation as well and they all look at me a bit strangely. this was fastly typed and sort of a rant so due to that this was not written very well, just to let everyone get an idea of it. I forgot to add but I also have a laptop and I can do a lot of things that a phone can do except use messages or take it places so it does not make sense.
Yea my parents are the same. I’m 11 years old and I’m going into 6th grade in September. I help with chores around the house and I got good grades for the whole school year and it’s still a straight up no. I give them so many mature reasons for one and still no. I don’t care if I get a Samsung galaxy S2 or the first telephone from 1876. I’ve been asking for almost a year now. One time I actually had a phone it was an iPhone 8 but then my Dad got a call from his old business saying that they needed the phone back and then he needed to bring back the phone so yeah that’s it.
True bro I’m in 10 and my mom has a new phone but she still won’t give me her old one
You guys are way too young, not the 16-year-old but the comments. You should have a phone at grade 8. Not any younger in some countries. It is even illegal. Don't say you can relate when the truth is you're just a spoiled brat.
ago by


ago by
I feel the same. I'm literally 13 and all my friends are like can I have your number and I'm like you can have my moms that I can text you on. Some of them are ok with it some are like never mind. All my friends come up to me and say look I have a phone. Why! Its not their fault I don't have a phone but still it makes me think about wanting a phone even more.
ago by
My mom said that i can get a flip phone if i get a year of full a or b I'm now in middle school and my friends don't like to have moms numbers on their phone
ago by
I'm 13 years old and I have a phone currently but SO MANY RESTRICTIONS. I'm in 8th grade and everyone had phones and TikTok and Snapchat and Instagram and all that stuff but my parents wont let me have any of those apps and take my phone randomly to go through it. Trust me, you don't want a phone right now, especially if it is heavily monitored. I'm not tryna be some weird old grandma that's lying about the perks of something but its true. My phone and all the monitoring and stuff that happens with it is the cause of my anxiety. I tried buying an Iphone behind my moms back so I wasn't monitored and I got even more restrictions which I didn't know was possible. I cant have it in my room EVER unless it is in a timed lock box with no way to open until the timer goes off that goes up to 90 hours. Anyways I'm going off topic but the point is that my phone has honestly caused addiction to it, anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, and an awful relationship with my parents. Overall it's really not worth it. Sorry I doubt u will read all this and the grammar sucks ik. Hope this helps you feel better if you still don't have a phone tho.

19 Answers

0 votes
This is dumb, phones are acceptable at a certain age. It's up to the parents to decide. Do you dare talk like that to your mom? I know I will not get a phone till I'm 16. But I don't dare talk back to my mother like that! If being a kid sucks, you will have one heck of a life!
by (43.6k points)
Dang harsh
I won't get one till I'm 18 or 20
0 votes
by (587k points)
You could make a convincing slideshow (My go to solution to convince my parents to do/get something for me).


Recommendation: start with something small that you want like Minecraft for your computer (just an example) then work your way up to one for them getting you a phone.

Or just wait (I wanted a phone for at least 3 years before I got one)
0 votes
by (587k points)
You could ask WHY you can't have a phone and if it is something you can handle prove you will/won't do it (depending on what it is.) Or you could ask for a DIFFERENT type of phone.
+1 vote
by (127k points)
Why do you need one? And asking for a phone at seven years is absurd. It shows you what the world had turned into.

Hey, I'm about 15 now, and I still haven't got a phone. I don't want one, anyhow. Stop being spoiled, that's my advice.
by (167k points)
He's 9 and that's is really sad I'm sorry! I have a 14 yr old friend that doesn't have one.
by (127k points)
Besides that, you can't even spell. No, I wouldn't give anyone a phone if they can't even spell basic words like "awful," either.
by (167k points)
Hey, I don't spell very well. Just because you might not be the greatest in some areas like communication or spelling does not mean you shouldn't get something. You should base it on whether or not your responsible and will use it for the right things.
by (43.6k points)
Why are u so rude leave the kid alone
+1 vote
by (17.3k points)
I get it. I am 11 and the same thing happens except I want an Nintendo Switch for $300. They are thinking of getting a remodel of a C64 thats like 2,000 and it works like garbage. I feel that if you want to get a phone you’ll have to like, do something amazing for them like get all As or something like that.
+1 vote
by (587k points)
Prove you can handle one.
I have not got a phone so I will work hard for it
+1 vote
by (450 points)
well at least you're not an eleven year old like me, with no personal laptop (the one i have is like 7 years old and i dont even have the password!), no phone, no smartwatch (or even a normal watch!) and no tablet or ipad. at least you have a computer that you have the password to!
by (127k points)
I don't have the password to my dad's computer, either. I do have a computer, but it's as old as I am, and you'd honestly be better off using a quill and ink on a roll of paper than trying to get it work. I have to be super sneaky to use any internet at all.
+1 vote
by (1.12m points)
Oof. I’m also 9, but I feel really bad for you. ELMO APPS?! Hey, I have a 2 year-old little sister, thanks for the idea lol. Anyways, I seriously don’t know what your parent are up to. Maybe you could ask why they won’t give you a phone (if your parents won’t give you a phone even for emergencies, I seriously don’t know what your parents are up to.).
by (5.8k points)
Because at that age I (now 13) was playing with barbies. I wasn't going out on my own. Heck I wasn't even allowed to walk to my dad's house on my own. It's a 6 min walk. If there is an emergency at school than the school has a phone. Teachers have phones. YOU DONT NEED A PHONE AT THAY AGE.

girl online going offline
+1 vote
by (40.7k points)
Just listen to your parents
by (450 points)
not exactly the easiest :/

Just maybe if you have roblox just make a game and it will make you robux, then make it into money, or sell stuff!!!IDK

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