+7 votes
in Health & Fitness by (546k points)
So, people make fun of me or liking MC even though lots of people like it.

But, yesterday I found out I will (probably) need glasses soon.

When I found out; I literally cried and said something like "I don't want one more thing for people to make fun of m for"

My sibling jas already started calling me 4 eyes even though I haven't gotten the glasses yet!

I still am a little uneasy about getting glasses. But, now I know Jeb_ wears glasses it puts me at ease.

Jeb_ is one o my idols is the reason it put my mind at ease.

(Sorry this turned into a bit of a MC post)

Do any of you have glasses?

Have you ever been made fun if for having glasses?
Yes (2 votes, 25%)
No (4 votes, 50%)
Not now (But I'm getting some soon) (0 votes)
I have contact lenses (2 votes, 25%)
Prefer not to say (0 votes)

6 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Gurl, this made me flip. It's because I have glasses too and I KNOW I can help. 

I've had my glasses for a long time. My siblings don't remember me without glasses. I haven't actually gotten teased, though.

I'm glad you found something that makes you feel better. :D

If people tease for wearing, glasses or liking something a little too much (In the teasers point of view. You can never like something too much.). I try to:

  1. Ignore them.
  2. Make an EPICCCCC comeback
  3. Change the subject.
  4. Etc.

Glasses make you look smart.

What kind of glasses do you want ?  (Colour, shape etc.)

by (546k points)
I don't know yet I haven't gotten tested OFFICALLY

But I don't know the shape I want.

I know I want the color to either have a cool design or blend in wit my hair
by (546k points)
Thanks for the help!
by (165k points)
+1 vote
by (546k points)
I'm getting tested 4 glasses on August 2.
+2 votes
by (165k points)
Oh MC I'm so sorry but good news: Glasses really aren't that bad!

I have had glasses since I was 7 I think but now I have contacts! Glasses aren't really that bad they actually make you look cute and pretty!

If you get some that go with your face they help your look! And soon people don't even remember how you looked without them! When I first got them they were hard to get used to and I rarely wore them but as I realized I could see a whole lot better with them I used them and soon I didn't even really realized the difference! I only got contacts because my eye sight was so bad . If people tease you it probably won't last for long because they will just get used to you wearing them also so many people were them now or contacts. I never really got teased except for my cousins who wore glasses too and were just joking teasing!

Anyway, hoped that helped, sorry I'm so late! What color are you getting and what shape?
by (546k points)
I don't know the color  or shape yet
by (165k points)
Ok tell me you do! :)
+3 votes
by (12.9k points)
I have glasses, and i was at first like hiding them, but i realized that the more u hide them, the more people make fun of u. so, just know; it will be okay, and u r beautiful no matter what.
by (546k points)
+2 votes
by (264k points)

Hey MC!! I'm sorry :( 

Yes, although I have worn contacts for the past couple of years, I still do sometimes wear my glasses (I've had them since my first birthday- my whole life!!). In fact, I'm wearing them right now!! XD 

Well, when I wore my glasses regularly to school, I was, sadly, made fun of. A ton. All through kindergarten through sixth grade. And a little bit of seventh. Then people grew up a bit, and I also got contacts my eighth grade year. But listen, I grew up with a bunch of jerks XD Things changed as people got older and I moved. 

Glasses aren't all that bad, really!! They help you see and correct your vision now so you won't have to later on in the future (plus Tom used to think my glasses were super cute, soooo... a-=T_T). You most likely won't have them forever because they're starting so late. And, ofc, you can always get contacts if you would like!! 

Plenty of people have glasses!! I'm glad you were able to find a little bit of comfort :)

Best of luck, MC!! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here gorl :)

by (546k points)
I can't get contacts bc of my hand eye coordination being so low.
Hehe, that would be me MC...XD
by (12.9k points)
i want contacts, but my mom (AKA most squeamish person ALIVE) doesn't want to watch me put them in. :( just know, u r BEAUTIFUL no matter what.
by (264k points)
MC, you can always get non-prescription contacts to practice with so you can put them in later with the real deal :)
by (546k points)
Uhh my parents probably wouldn't let me.
by (957k points)
There’s a hand-eye coordination test?
by (264k points)

YES rolling

by (957k points)
I never knew that!
by (264k points)
It sucks XD
by (957k points)
What do you do? Play Minecraft? Eat Jelly Bellys? Go on MapChart and create a chart?
by (546k points)
by (264k points)

Make you put your contacts in right in front of them!! THEY JUST STARE AS YOU KEEP FAILING T_T

by (957k points)

Make you put your contacts in right in front of them!!

I never got tested for contacts.

Also, how do I turn on the captions feature? It’s right above the sentence above of this sentence. 

+2 votes
by (957k points)
I also wear glasses! I’ve been wearing them since November 2019. You’ll get used to it! You’ll also look really cool.

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