+7 votes
in Other by (261k points)

Okay, I need help. I'm scared. So scared. 

Soooooooo, I've had issues with my stomach for the past couple of years (throwing up and acid reflux, frequently) (AND DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT ​HAVE AN EATING DISORDER!! THIS HAPPENS ALL ON ITS OWN!! I have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease.), and unfourtunalty, the mucho acid caused massive and several cavities, of which one or two of my teeth are completly dead- all the nerves have been killed, and those two are numb and don't hurt anymore T_T Anyways, I have to have a massive surgery this summer/ early fall. What does it fix?? Well...

1.) They're pulling all of my wisdom teeth :(

2.) They are cutting my tied tongue.

3.) They are filling in 11 cavities (NOT CAUSED BY NOT BRUSHING MY TEETH!! XD).

4.) They are doing two root canal procedures. 

Keep in mind they are doing this ALL in ONE DAY a-=( The whole procedure will take 6-7 hours :((( I will be "put under" with drugs, but I'm so scared!! fear

Ik this is stupid, but what are your guys's experiences with surgeries and drugs?? Seriously, I NEED to know!! 

 KT please don't censor this. It's a genuine question -_-

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (949k points)
Best answer
Well, good luck! And do tongues regrow?

And if whatever you’re experiencing isn’t common, I’ll petition for it to be called, “Cheerless Cheerleader syndrome”.
by (261k points)

Yes, actually!! If you were to bite a part of your tongue off, I believe it would regrow!! 

Haha, I wish someone would figure out what is wrong with me!! It's really started kicking up over the past year. The doctors have been narrowing it down to a neurological issue, however. Fingers crossed that I figure it out before I graduate!! a-^^

by (949k points)

And what’s ‘neurological’?
by (261k points)
Happens in the brain due to your nerves and cells- not like a mental disorder.
by (949k points)

Also, let’s just hope they will figure it out before you’re 65.
by (261k points)
Haha, at this point, yes!!
by (541k points)
Neurological issues aren't bad. Some barely impact you at all.
by (261k points)
In this case it does, big time.
by (541k points)
Ok I did say SOME tho.
by (261k points)
Haha, yes, fair!! ;)
+1 vote
Don't be scared I bet everything will be just fine. I've never experienced something like that but from watching movies (that's that's you shouldn't take my advice bc everything I get is from a movie XD) you might have like a super realistic dream. so my hope for you is that the dream is a happy peaceful one and you wake up feeling great:)
by (261k points)
Haha, I felt that!! Some things I do get from movies!! LOL

Thank you, but what if it's a nightmare?? I've had something in mind that I'm scared my become what I see...

Thanks so much, Anon!! :)))
+1 vote
by (165k points)
It's not stupid! I had that too! I used to have acid reflex! I had to have a surgery when I was 8 and I had cavities taken out and my tonsils removed!

It was not scary really! First for the cavities I didn't really go under the just numbed it and gave me laughing gas! It felt like I was flying!

For the acid reflex I did "Go Under" I had to wake up at like 4 AM and all I really remember was waking up with a bunch of nurses around me! And I got to leave in a wheelchair and my sisters got to have French Toast but all I got was Yogurt.

For the Tonsils I remember this really nice lady talking to me and we took a picture for some weird reason then I was wheeled to the room. The nice lady put this mask sort of thing on me and she counted down and I was asleep (it smelled like skittles XD).

When I woke up my throat was sore, and I was crying (my mom said I cried for like 5 min, but my twin sobbed for like 10 mins). They told us we could not have red popsicles, slushes etc. but the nurse gave us a red popsicle. XD
And I'm going to tell this to you bc it really happened but DON'T BE SCARED!

That night I woke up and it felt like I had a bunch of spit in my mouth and every time I swallowed it felt like there was more, so I went to the bathroom and spit in the sink. But it kept happening. Finally, my parents found me in the bathroom and turned on the light and were like "What are you doing?" and when I looked in the sink there was dried blood from my mouth. After that I barfed all in the bathroom. I was ok after that though. DON"T BE SCARED THOUGH.
by (261k points)

Used to!? HOW DID YOU FIX IT!?!?!? jawdrop

The crying part is kinda what scares me- like, what were you crying about?? Were you scared?? And plus, some people Ik who had their wisdom teeth out said it was HORRIBLE fear Our procedures (although both sounding painful!!) are gonna be different...

And I think I might end up with a bit of blood, but not nearly as bad as you had it!! wow My mum and grandma both had their tonsils out too, and they also coughed and threw up a bunch of blood during that time. 

Thanks girl. Wish me luck!! :)


I've never had a single surgery in my life, but when I watch videos or look at images about surgery, it chills my spine offdisappointed

by (165k points)
Surgery like you!

Nonono! You are crying bc of going under it's just what the gas does to you. It's not really scary at all! Yah my cousin said it hurt a lot so did the tonsils.

I hope you don't have it as bad as I had it! Uhh that's to bad.
Luck! When is it happening? I will be praying!
by (165k points)
Fr!  Those can be scary!
by (261k points)
But like, how!? I have to take medication for it when it gets super bad...

I am having it done late summer/ early fall... Bad timing with my busy schedule :(

Yeah, some surgery videos can be pretty graphic!! I'm a little unnerved by them (because obviously, those organs are NOT supposed to be outside of the body!!), but I'm pretty good about blood and that sorta thing. When you're a lifeguard, you sorta hafta be!!
by (949k points)
I don’t think I’ve ever had a surgery either. I never asked my parents though.
by (261k points)
I have never until now :/
by (165k points)
Oh, that's too bad. I'm having some tooth stuff next month. I do hate those vids! Ug ditto I can handle blood, but surgery is a bit too much.
by (165k points)
You are lucky Elo!
by (165k points)
by (261k points)
Haha, Blue, you and I are twinning!! XD
by (165k points)
:D Yay!

And not yay! XD
+1 vote
by (541k points)
Well, I don't remember the surgeries I have had.

Drugs are easy to take. My parents give me pills everyday.

by (261k points)

Have you had many surgeries?? wondering

I don't think it's really the pills or painkillers for afterwards, but like, the drugs they give you during the surgery. 

Thanks so much, MC!! :D

(And aloha, Coco!! palm-tree)

by (541k points)

I know I have had at least 2 surgeries. I don't remember either of them tho.

by (261k points)
Oh!! Nice!!
+1 vote
I have never had it happen to me but I know you'll be okay. Just remember: YOU GOT THIS!
by (261k points)
Okay, ahhhhhh... But like, what if it's a super scary experience?? Ik I'll come out okay, but it's the getting there I'm scared of...

Thanks gorl :)
+1 vote

Well, I don't think I've been in surgery or anything, but my sister and brother have. I could ask them, but they were little skull

Anyway, just want to tell you that I'm praying it goes well. clapping-hand (Kidsearch, where is your praying hands emoji ?)

Wisdom teeth. I thought you didn't get them till you were around eighteen.fear

Again, prayers and hugs. (Imma hugger lol)

by (261k points)

Haha, I've had mine under and jammed up under the surface of my gums for years, and they've been working there way up for quite some time now. I have always been a physically early bloomer- got my twelve-year molars when I was ten, and several other things before I hit 12. By 13 I was done growing- seriously, I have had all my adult features by that time XD

Thank you so much!! Ahaha!! a-=D 

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