+7 votes
in Other by (261k points)

Aloha!! palm-tree

Sorry I've been a little inactive lately- I've been ultra-mega busy lately!! I've got an update (not a particularly great one, but it's got a couple story times in it!! XD) coming soon, and I have a question...

Can I post a stupid love/ apology/ rant letter on here?? Ik it's dumb but I've been meaning to do something, and I can't figure out where else to do it!! Ahaha!! 

So how have ya'll been doing?? Anything fun?? Why don't some of ya give me a little update of your own below?? :)

Also, if you guys don't mind explicit music, go listen to "Lovejoy" and their "Pebble Brain" EP!! Came out last year, but it's still a banger!! :DDD

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (13.6k points)
Best answer

Best Aloha I have read all year LOL. I think you can I dont know but I mean if its not inappropriate you probably can. I dont know though. I really like how you always check up on us it's really nice of you ^-^ Anyway I've been drawing in my room and thinking about the first day of school (Its tomorrow) Most fun is drawing LOL *Me being a boring person for 3 hours straight* XD

Okay back on track. Update: I've been inactive for about a month (ruined my shots of getting user of the year) I have been working on a speed draw/paint for a while (takes me about a week to make one cause it needs to special) I also made a new friend and we should be in the same Hands-on/Artistic ELA class (thanks for cheering me on! pun intended) Really been baby sitting (I dont wanna be a teacher anymore LOL) 

I will try to check them out. Sorry for the long answer but your just a great person all around.  I really enjoy reading your posts and answers.

by (261k points)

Haha!! Why thank you palm-tree

Nah, it's not really inappropriate at all!! Well, yeah, no, it's not. It actually sounds like an Olivia Rodrigo song T_T It's sad how much I relate to them now. 

Ofc!! I love hearing from you guys, and I always want ya to know I'm here for you all, no matter the issue!! :)


Yeah, I suppose it does kinda damage your chances :( But hey, you could still get it!! :D 

Oooooh, could you post your drawings/ paintings when you're done?? Would love to see them!! And I'm so glad you made a friend and will be in the same class together!! That will be fun :) And ofc, NO PROBLEM, GIRL!! :D Hahaha :)))

NO, I HATE BABYSITTING :O Lol, TOTALLY understandable!! I want kids of my own SOOOOO bad, but then I see other people's kids and I'm like "no, my kids will NOT be like that." XDXD

Awwwwwww, thank you!! :))) And hey, I like your posts, too!! You post some pretty interesting ideas (btw, I actually did find your holocaust one interesting!!). And I LOVE long answers!! :)

Thanks gorl :) See ya 'round, then!! 

by (13.6k points)
1.Your welcome.

2."Like an Olivia Rodrigo song" I keep stealing your lines. Sorry. ^_^

3.Your so nice. (The sheer amount of times I have complimented you LOL)

5. I could but I do have some competition (You, MCNerd, Swagger, Ect.)

4. I just realized most people start school in September I'm so early LOL. Mom, we need to move again!

6. I will try to post them when I figure out how to post pictures right side up LOL Thanks again

7.I can totally relate to that LOL it's just the way I think like "My kids wont cry at the store" XD

8.Your Welcome. Thanks I plan on doing more.

See ya' (stolen line number 3 LOL)
by (261k points)

Hahaha!! Your A-OK, girl!! 

When do you get out of school for the summer?? Also, you switched numbers four and 5 download

by (13.6k points)
LOL Sorry about that I get out around May 15 - 20 what about you?
I'm just quietly reading your convo debating on wether to interject or no.XD.
by (13.6k points)
Feel free to the more the merrier LOL
by (165k points)
Ditto! I was like me too!

Aww I bet you could beat me! Going on a trip parent taking away devices! Yep, this is the set up for you! You're whole convo is just so cute (omg me too! Agg)
by (261k points)

Hmmm okay so you get out earlier than most of us then. I was like, checking to see if it was fair, ig?? XDXDXDXDXD I always get out on June 10th!! 

Haha, yes!! The more the merrier, as Fox Girl said :p

OOF skull That makes it not as fun to pass you :/// Well I hope you have the upmost fun!! :D

by (13.6k points)
June 10th!? I was shocked reading that LOL. I know I'm being picky right now but there is no I in my name sorry if your mad. This is meant in a nice way just a friendly reminder also, thanks for the new nickname! Gotta add it to my list LOL!
by (261k points)

No, I noticed, and I was like, "should I put the "i" in there?? Let's do it." XD So I'll keep it in mind next time that you don't like the "i" in there!! download

Lollll is that late to get out?? Well, for you, it is, I suppose!! :p

by (13.6k points)

Thanks. For me it very late to get out but it's normal for you. So...

by (165k points)
I think you talking to me!

I did have a lot of fun! and don't feel bad about beating me I'll just go upvote stuff lol
by (261k points)

I noticed you be catching back up, gurl jawdropa-^^

And I'm glad you had fun!!

by (165k points)
Yes I'm trying! Thanks! Did you do anything fun?
by (165k points)
I love babysitting! But some kids just really need something like I'm sorry but there jerks! Do you like Olivia R?
by (261k points)
NO -_-

Yeah, Ik people hate on her and her music, but I kinda like it... XD
by (165k points)
I like someone her songs too! Not very many I don't really like many of her songs that she but some of her songs from hsmtmts I like!
+1 vote

Howdy, cowboy.

Ey, don't worry girl :)))) You have a way better reason than me XDDD. I can't wait to hear (errr, read hahha) them. 

I don't mind if you do. I'm kinda curious, actually.

*cracks nuckles* You do realize that people love talking about themselves hahahah. I've been doing great like I said I've been growing closer to God. I've been reading a lot too. Speaking of books, you should totally read the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. If you haven't. I think you might like it . 

Last Sunday, my Youth Group had this thing with a bunch of other YGs. It was different. We were split up into teams and played various field games haha, we played frisbee with a real cow tongue instead of a frisbee. My team won .

My brother's birthday is coming up. He is turning a, well, annoying age XD. Hehehe, my life has been err, well boring. 

Anyway, I think as you get older things become more, I don't know.

Anywho. :))))) glad to hear from you again.

by (261k points)

HOWDY!! cactus Haha!!

Haha, well, I can't wait to have the patience to type everything!! XD 

Good lolllllll a-^^


And I'm so happy that you've grown closer to God!! That's really grand :)

Hey, I've been looking for a new series to read for years now!! I def will check those books out. 

Ewwww, a cow tongue!? Icky XDXDXDXD (Although, I hear it tastes good cooked...) Glad you won!! Nothing better than dominating at field day games a-B) Seriously, MAJOR confidence boost !! 

Haha, lemme guess- 12 or 13?? Wish him a happy birthday for me strawberry-short-cake Are you guys doing anything special??

OOOOHH, please finish that sentence!! :OOO

Glad to hear from you, as well!! :))) I'll see ya later, gorl!! 

by (948k points)
Mmm, cow taste buds! lol

If the age is 2, then I feel you. But if it’s 117, then he’ll get a record for being the oldest man.

Ready to wrangle up some cows womens-bootXD

I feel yah XD.

Hehe he he he heh

IKR !!! People are so interesting  :)))))))))))


I would say tell me what you think of them if you read, em, but I'm afraid you'nt like them.

Yes cow tongue.evil

Hehe I feel a-B). It was so fun I met this girl (And Cuz I like naming people we'll call her, Nelly ) She was really pretty and I really liked hanging out with her. I acted really cringe. I hugged people I only knew there faces XD. Well I knew them just barely  over their faces XD. 

Hehe a few weeks ago I met this boy at the pool.( He was almost exactly your age ) we talked a lot lol lol XD. I'm crossing my fingers he comes to my youth group because he was funny and fun.

Ah, my life is about as interesting as a pool noodle. At least compared to anybody my age.

I wish I could tell you if you're right XDDDD I think we're going to my church pool party, but only because it lands on the same day. Other than that we'll do are normal which is where he picks dinner . after that we'll eat cake and open presents. 

I would, but I can't find the right word XP. Wait, I think I think, nope.

Oh, today we're going hiking with some of my cousins ! I can't wait to tell you later.

@Elo, He ain't turning two, but I can understand how a two year old sibling would be, I have a two year old cousin. She is suppper grumpy most of time and only wants her parents. Hahaha, he would XD.

by (948k points)
My 2 year old sister is annoying. Luckily I’m on vacation with just my dad.
Hehe, Noice !
by (165k points)
OMG! I totally get you about my life being way more boring than anyone elses! Basically all I'm doing is hanging out with you and dm my camp friends. But I'm afraid I'm texting one of them too much! We kind of went to deep anyways! Yes I love talking about myself! Ohh that sound fun Thalia!
by (948k points)
Camp sounds interesting. The last time I went to summer camp was when I was 5/6. (You know when my birthday is. It’s in summer.)
by (261k points)
"Too deep??" Whaaaaattt!? XD
by (165k points)
It's a long story let's just say the drama is real!!!!!!1

I told her about my crush and stuff lol
by (165k points)
omg crush?!

Me to gurl about acting cringey around the girl! My life story for the last month!
by (261k points)


by (165k points)
Nah were good! Not really but yk lol!
by (948k points)
As deep as the Hypixel Pit!
by (165k points)
Deeper! lol!
by (948k points)
All the way to bedrock!
+1 vote
by (948k points)
I’ve been doing good! I’m on a summer vacation, and we left at 4:50 AM yesterday. That meant I had to get up at 4:30 AM.

Anyways, cya. I’m still in a rush but for a different reason. I’ll edit this later.
by (261k points)
Ooooh!! Sounds like fun!! Where are you going?? Can't wait to hear!! :D
by (948k points)
We’re going to see my grandma in a couple of days. That’s the main point.
Wow, I hope you have fun !
by (165k points)
Same actually! Leaving hopefully today!
by (948k points)
Turns out that day is actually today.

(And I’m talking about one of my grandmas. The other one lives with us.)
by (261k points)
Woot woot!! Well have fun!! :D
by (948k points)
I did! Tomorrow, I’m swimming with my grandma.

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