+3 votes
in Mental Health by

at home say I ask my parents a Weston I am ignored at school I am a slave to the popular girls and I do there hair and makeup and I have anger issues and people at school use my anger issues agents everyone else I get in to a lot of fights at school I am noen for being the emoshanal girl with anger issues I also have dyslexia and get panic attacks

4 Answers

0 votes
by (1.1k points)
I will be your friend
0 votes
by (264k points)

Woah, uh, hey, there's a lot here :/ First of all, I'm sorry :((

1.) Uh, wdym "you're ignored??" Are your demands not met, or are your parents literally just walking away from you?? Do you think they have any reasoning behind it...??'

2.) Are you a slave, or a friend who has a special skill?? ;) If not, maybe just don't be a slave to them...?? Listen, girl, just say "no" politely, and don't engage. Make new friends!! a-=D Put yourself out there!!

3.) Well, you must learn to contain your temper. It's hard, Ik man!! I used to have some issues too, but because of your anger, people know how to push your buttons to have you fight them (physically, I assume??), which gets you in a ton of trouble. I can try and help you with that later, if you would like :)

Best of luck, girl!! :))

Thanks for responding first my parents they will just walk away if I start talking

Second I joined a school a few month's ago from a different country I made one "friend" we went on holiday for two weeks when I came back she had died her hair next her and the other popular girls started ordering me around to do there hair and makeup and to fight against evryone else

Third I have tried so hard you have no idea how much a miss my old life I don't fit in  I guess that's why everyone hates me
by (264k points)

Yeah ofc!! :)
I'm sorry. Can you maybe sit them down and ask for their undivided attention, and then talk about this problem??

Well, again, just say "no" politely. You shouldn't have to be doing that for them if you don't want to. 

Huh, Ig you're making an effort. But hey, keep trying!! You'll learn how, promise :)

Ik what it's like to move and to totally have to start ALL over again- I did it twice. The first time went horrible- I was the weird kid, and I was awkward, and I just couldn't get along with everyone. Don't get me wrong, I was a good kid and a great friend!! But second time I had to start over, I made sure I was super social, very involved, and talked to everyone about everything. I made sure to be super nice, and I took better care of myself. That one summer (Covid-19 pandemic!!), I grew a lot as a person!! 

Listen, my point is, it is not to late to start over. Put yourself out there, talk to people, and look on the bright side of things!! 

Remember, you can CHOOSE to be happy- my grandpa used to tell me that. When I was a sulky 12-year-old, I didn't realize how true that was, and would just ignore that phrase. I thought it was the dumbest thing I had ever heard XD Now that I'm older, and grown and experienced a lot, I know that is oh-so true, and I have chosen to be happy, no matter how bad things get. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sad- a TON XD The past year has been super rough on me. I lost my dog, lots of accidents within the family, illnesses, and my boyfriend dumped me, which is one of the most painful events of all :( But hey!! I remember all the things I have, and how those things made me a better person, and if I can't find any, I just choose to be happy :) Fake it till you make it, gurl!! XDXDXDXD 

Listen I hope that (maybe??) helped. Hold your head up high, girl!! a-=D (Also remember, you will never see these kids again after high school, and you are all going to grow up and become adults, and once your 18 you can move out and away from your parents if you want.)

Best of luck!! :D

0 votes
by (546k points)
I can be your friend
You have no idea how much i would appreciate that
0 votes
by (546k points)
Just calmly explain tothe people who bully you you don't like whatthey r doing
The problem is that they don't care
by (546k points)
Tell an adult at school. They will stop it.

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