+9 votes
in Fiction by (584k points)

Antonio Verez

In class 401, a young boy of 10, 5th grade, Mexican New Yorker Antonio Verez, was sitting with 5 other kids. Ms. Joyess, the English teacher, was reading out to everyone a play called Julius Caesar. Shakespeare had been a favorite of the teacher's.

  Almost all of Tony's family had spoken only Spanish. The only bilingual ones were him, his parents, 2 of 4 of his uncles, and his siblings. His grandmother only knew how to speak Spanish. Sure, she could understand most English people, but otherwise, look for a translator.

His brothers were Victor, the second oldest, and Vincent, nicked Vinny for short. He had been in the military ever since Tony was 5. He was the best brother any kid could ask for. If Tony had an issue, "Vinny!" he'd call, and Vinny would come running.

But on that fateful day, everything changed. 15 year old Vinny was teaching Antonio how to play chess. Vinny had been a darn good player, so good, he even played for the city. He won lots of tournaments. Probably because he was one of the smartest people in the family. He was the most strategic, that was for sure. He was in the middle of telling Tony about the horse piece when there was a knock on the 2 family apartment door.

"I'll get it," said Vinny, hastily getting up from his seat. "I'll be back, don't sneak a checkmate!"

"I don't even know how to play yet!" Giggled Tony.

Tony didn't see what actually happened, but he did hear everything.

"Vincent Juan Verez?" Said an unknown man's voice. What does this person want now? Thought Tony, as he thought about all of the visits made by people from other apartments. 

"...T-that's me?" Stuttered Vinny, his voice higher than usual. "I think you know what I'm here for, son," said the man, "After all, the situation is broadcasted all the time."

Tony gulped. What was the man talking about? Could this be about...

"But... But I can't go to Vietnam!" Shouted Vincent, who seemed not to care if anyone heard him. "I can't leave my family! They need me... If anything happens—"

"You must not understand the situation, son!" Said the man as loud as him. "This war isn't easy for any of us! I had to watch my son leave for it, and never saw him again! He went MIA!"

The man's voice quivered on the last sentence.

It was silent for a while.

Tony looked at his father, who was in the kitchen. His father had tears running down his face. He came over and sat down, taking Tony's hands and putting them up to his face.

The man spoke again, but this time, calmer. "It's hard to leave your family, but this is for the country. You're leaving tomorrow. We're sending you the equipment and your new uniform tonight." Tony heard footsteps fading away, then a door slowly creak until it shut.

Vinny came back into the room, looked at Tony and his father, then said, "I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry Tony."

"You have to do this. I never wanted this for you. I wanted to finish this so you wouldn't have to... But I won't let you die. I won't let God take you away from us, that's for sure."

Tears were still running down his face. Vinny seemed to mirror him.

Tony didn't understand why everyone was so sad about it. Vinny gave his father and brother a long-lasting hug Tony would never forget...

And then, the last dinner, the package, and the farewell party was the last time he had seen his brother.

Did you guys enjoy this? Sorry for not giving you any warning on posting a new story, but let me know what you think about it. Any suggestions? The next post will be the About of this story!

Love ya'll, bye!


1 Answer

0 votes
by (584k points)


I remember this. I actually like to go back and read my stuff. Well, past me, we finished this book on only 11 chapters and we are working on our 22nd chapter of a just-as-successful Minecraft story. What an odd transition into the new year..?

We've stepped up a bit on our description game. Or at least, we've tried. We're older now, by the way! We have new ideas for other things that we want to write. We have new ideas for even future books of our Minecraft series.

And when we look back at things like this, we either cringe at the view of a first-time written work by a newbie author (I still consider myself a newbie even now), or we get nostalgic about how things were. Us? We're both.

And we also left earlier than we meant to. We were scared that we would never get to see this wonderful place again, because of a mistake we made. We learned from it. We won't do it again.

We're back, and we're glad to see and be part of a newer generation of users. We still have some of our old friends, like Elo, Esie, MCN, and Cheer. Some new friends, who are just as great, like Writingnerd, EmoDinosaur (who has nicked us Nobby, because they know that we are still a weird, lovable potterhead) and many more. And even some old people check in every once in a while, like Pumpkin, Duke, and LewieTheLamborghini who checked in just today.

Ahhh this is paragraphs long, I know, but in the future I'll be looking back at this comment and be making another one of these XD

But not without smiling at the fact that I did do one of these.

This was the very first chapter that I showed my (mind you, other people on here tell me) talent on here. Esie was my first supporter, and she keeps on supporting me today. I'm proud of what I've done with the Military Kid series and I can't wait on what the next book will behold in the future. :)

Oh gosh, now I really sound like a writer XD

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

(Yeah, past me, we exit like this now :3)


Also I was smiling the whole time I read this.
by (584k points)
Aww, really? Thank you so much for reading this, Wn!

I just thought I'd do a little bit of a nostalgic checkup :)
I love Military kid :D

You definitely have grown and gotten better but this series is still so good like what-

Yess, you're our weird goofy little potterhead :)

Luv ya Nobby


- Dino
by (584k points)


Thank you, Dino! Yeah, this was my very first story where I made somewhat of an impact on here :)

I may do another book ... Just maybe meowla

Ha, lemme know if you want a Book 2 of this to come out soon a-=D

@nobodyimportant :) It's fun to do that.

@EmoDinosaur72 Agreed. The series is still awesome.

Nobi (again), your writing's just changed a bit.
by (584k points)
Yeah, it is, Wn!

Also thank you guys for noticing! I've tried to upgrade a bit :)

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