+8 votes
in Other by (69.0k points)

Hi!!! So I'm not sure if you're comfortable sharing your religion, but I'm just curious, I think that it might help me understand you guys better. If you don't have a religion, it's totally cool, just say so. ;)

 So, um, I'll go first (lol, I feel like I'm texting in a group chat), most of you guys prob know this, but I'm a (strong) Christian. Please don't judge anyone on this post, and don't worry, I won't judge either! <3

~ With luv, Wraya <3

by (12.9k points)
hi wraya! i've seen a bunch of ur posts, and i feel like you r very nice. (plus i am also a girl and 12). thx for being so nice to my sister! she is younger than me, btw. could we be friends?

i am atheist. or i may believe in greek gods. unsure, still figuring it out.
by (69.0k points)

Hi, nutellagirl2112! May I just call you nutella? Uh, not sure who your sis is, care to tell me? Of course we can be friends! (I'm not so sure, but weren't we already???)

Hm, cool, I don't believe in Greek gods, but I like reading about them in fictional adventure books!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (12.9k points)
my sister is mangoboba. ofc, just call me nutella. nutellagirl2112 is too long. i just don't know u very well, since we haen't messaged a lot, so sry about that. i kind of believe in them, but im mostly just like atheist. my parents want me to give christianity another try, so im going to church tmrw. wish me luck!
by (69.0k points)

Ahh, she seems very nice, just like you. Okay. Oh! I wish you luck from the future! Hehe, how'd it go? Church, in my opinion, is super fun! I mean, I go to a big church, and have many friends there, and crushes (lol), and I get free snacks, so... yeah.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (117k points)
I hope you become a Christian.

13 Answers

+1 vote
by (879k points)
Catholic Christian
by (69.0k points)

Nice! I'm Presbyterian!

+3 votes
by (165k points)
Proud Christian!

I go to a Non-Denominational Church.

Wraya hasn’t been online in a while so she probably wont read this.
by (117k points)
Nice! Wish I had one of those in my area. I'm still a Christian though.
by (69.0k points)

i know i said i wouldnt check my other posts but im just gonna check a few posts bc why not, and thats so cool! do we know each other? bc like howd you know i havent been online in a while? im so sorry if we were friends and i forgot!

0 votes
by (333k points)
i am atheleist i think
by (69.0k points)
thats nice!
by (333k points)
+1 vote
by (40.7k points)
I'm a Christian! Everyone is created in Gods image and he loves us so much he sent His only son to die for us! If we confess to being a sinner and ask God for forgiveness we will live forever in heaven with God.
by (69.0k points)

Amen. <3

by (117k points)


+1 vote
by (272k points)
I'm a Christian!! I'm going to be baptized as a Catholic.
by (69.0k points)

Cool! ;P

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

0 votes
by (167k points)
Christian! I'm actually surprised at the number of Christians on KT!
by (69.0k points)

Nice! (Even though I already knew you're Christian, lol.)

Yesss, I am too! I kinda thought that there would be a little less Christians, but people proved me wrong! :)))

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (167k points)
Ik u did! Yah that's good tho!
by (69.0k points)

Yup! <3

+1 vote
Christian :))))))
by (69.0k points)

Yup, yup! <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
by (584k points)
A buddhist, who doesn't ignore the existence of god, but not in the way you would expect.

I'm very spiritual.


Peace and love, ya'll.
by (69.0k points)

Ahh, cool! I'm sometimes spiritual at Church, but I rarely am. :(

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (584k points)
Yeah, I just want people to know that love is the only true thing in this "world"
by (333k points)
Is this still true, nobi?
by (584k points)
by (333k points)
Nice ;)

Buddhism seems like a nice religion. I’m questioning agnostic because I have a feeling something made our world but idk who or what.
by (584k points)

It is really nice, I recommend studying it thumbs_up

by (333k points)

I think you're our first Buddhist, actually :D
by (584k points)

Oh, cool heart-hands

by (333k points)
0 votes
by (149k points)
Wait, Ima Christian too! Are you Baptist?
by (69.0k points)

Yay! Oh, sorry, I'm not. I'm Presbyterian. :)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (1.12m points)
What even is the difference between the different Christian divisions?
I think Christians who have different opinions. And a whole group of people agree on it ? Idk. I'm Christian. Just Christian.

My church is nondenominational.
by (1.12m points)
by (69.0k points)

Thalia's correct, I think. Hm, cool, I honestly didn't know that existed. I thought it was always Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, or whatnot.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

0 votes
by (13.7k points)
I'm going from Christian to Atheist.
by (69.0k points)

Oh, may I ask why?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (13.7k points)
Multiple reasons why actually. I'll name a few.

1. I'm gæ (gay)

2.If god was so good then why would he make so many of his children suffer. Then send them to hell when they couldnt take it

3. If god is in control, why are there so many bad things happening 24/7

4. I know I'm going to hell and there is not hope for me so, what's the point?

5. Cant find any evidence

6. Bad/Greedy priests. Once at a funeral someone asked the priest to send a prayer to the lost family member to help them get to heaven , the priest asked for money on the spot.

7.Getting married is a promise to god, so a married Christian couple have to stay together so they dont rot in hell, even if they are married to a really bad person.

8. When I was younger, my grandparents would constantly tell me I'm going to hell for the smallest things, like playing with a magic eight ball.

9.Guess who never had my back/ never answered my prayers? God!

10. Tried on and off to read the bible, god always sounded selfish to me.

11. The most innocent people who have done nothing wrong will be sent to hell for having a different religion.
by (149k points)
I see. You don't believe in God mostly bc you were taught that if you died with one sin on your soul you would go to hell.

That goes against everything I believe in.

God is not an angry parent that waits for you to slip up so he can hit you with a bat. God forgives all of your sins! He gives us chance after chance after chance. You don't have to be perfect to go to heaven.
by (69.0k points)

I agree with Esie 100%! You don't need proof to believe in God, you don't really know if he's there or not, but it's up to you to believe in him (if you're not a strong believer). The gay part would make God not so happy though, no offense, God makes it clear in the Bible about that. Anyways, TomBoyFoxGrl, I really recommend you watch Ray Comfort, he's a super-smart Christian, he makes YouTube vids, of him outsmarting atheists (not being rude, it's just true).

~ Your guys' friend, Wraya <3

by (117k points)

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