+6 votes
in Venting by (546k points)
My parents said I could get MC back Saturday if I didn't run away. They missinterpreeted a nighttime walk as running away! HELP ME GET MY GAME BACK ON SATURDAY!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just don't rum away also I would like to be friends on MC ok?
by (546k points)
I got MC back. What edition do u play

3 Answers

0 votes
by (12.9k points)
Best answer
just explain to them that you were just sleepwalking. and lock your door at night, to prevent it from happening again. i used to sleepwalk all the time too, i totally get it.
by (546k points)
No! I was awake I was just taking a nighttime walk
by (264k points)
Did you tell them that!?
0 votes
by (214k points)
I TAKE NIGHT WALKS TOO. My parents also interpret it as running away. And wow you must REALLY love minecraft
+1 vote
by (527k points)
My goodness....

Bless your soul.
by (264k points)

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