+6 votes
in Inspirational by
Do you have a crush on someone? Do you always hope they will look your way and give you a cute wink? Hold your hand, perhaps? This is the place for you! Here we have some tips to discover if your crush actually likes you back!

1. First, they always try to be closer to you. Do they sit near you in classes? Do they always mysteriously seem to sneak up on you in the halls? Do they chat with you whenever they can? These might be just some of the signs that they secretly like you more than just friends!

2. Do they touch you more than normal? Perhaps they hold your hand, or sit directly snuggled up against you, or maybe they put their arm around your shoulders, or vice versa. This is another sign that your crush maybe likes you.

3. Do you catch them sneaking glances at you? Sometimes, when one likes you, they tend to look towards you almost indistinctively. They might be crushing!

4. Catch any semi-romantic comments? Perhaps your friend (or maybe more than a friend someday) said, 'Hey, you are looking super cute today, but you always are'. This might be a sign that they are subtly trying to reveal their secret feelings for you!

5. Imagine you have a really outgoing, party-hard friend that loves chattering, or even someone that is just not normally shy. When they come in contact with you, however, they seem to get timid and/or nervous. People tend to soften up and get quieter around people they have feelings for. Another good sign!

Well, everyone, here we are! Thus concludes my list of signs your crush may like you back. Just note, even if someone does like you, they may not show any of these signs! These are just common indicators for most people!

I hope you enjoyed, and that your crush and you end up together someday :>

3 Answers

0 votes
by (12.9k points)
my crush is really nice to me, but we have assigned seats. my crush asks me for help like 24/7 and gets sweaty palms near me, but im not sure if that is jsut a boy thing. *eye roll* i always have to open his locker for him, since it is right above mine. what do yall think? and yes this is a different crush, to those of u who have seen my old crush post.
It definitely sounds like he might have a crush on you! Of course, it easily may just be a "boy thing", haha. Maybe you can keep a close eye on him for the next few weeks/months and see if he gives any other obvious signs?

- DinosoorLOL
0 votes
by (957k points)
This helps a little bit.
0 votes
by (165k points)

My used-to-be-crush stares ALL THE TIME paranoid

And now where in a ballroom dance class toghether *awkward*

My crush is always looking at me and when i look back he looks away my crush name is MJ! hes soooooo hot!
by (12.9k points)
by (165k points)
Nice! That means he might like you!
by (680 points)
I think I might... But it's hard. relgion blocks alot of my way and it hurts to hurt my mothers heart if I go down a path that isn't it...
Haha, that's awesome!
by (165k points)
You think you might what? What's your mothers religon?

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