+4 votes
in Other by

rockbig-eyes Im so confused ...  I dont feel like a female or male 

maybe you are non-binary

9 Answers

0 votes
i think u might be non binary
0 votes
by (14.6k points)
First of all, there is absolutely NO WAY that they will not notice.

Also, have you tried talking to your parents about the gender thing? And it doesn’t matter how you cut your hair, girls and boys have long or short hair. It doesn’t matter! Also, ask you parents before you cut it. :)
0 votes
See I believe and many of my fellow Conrad’s believe in the destruction of all genders bar male and female so mark my words if you decide to step out of that boundary the federation will make you wish you chose one
0 votes
by (545k points)
It's okay to feel like neither I have a friend (Call them J) likes the pronoun they and not he/she
0 votes
I wish you luck! Idk ive seen some cartoons where they just dramatically take a knife and chop their hair off... but maybe dont use a knife-
by (955k points)
I don’t think a knife would work in real life…

Plus, most cartoons are unrealistic. (Example: Rabbits don’t only eat carrots in real life.)
by (545k points)
True rabbits eat: banana, hay, pellets, leafy greens, blueberries and more
by (955k points)
+2 votes
I don't know your age, but you really need to wait until you are at least 16 in my opinion before making any decision, or even to start dating. Just enjoy your life for now and don't worry about your gender. Things will sort themselves out naturally.
by (165k points)
I agree again! IF you don't really understand it it's better to not do it! I don't agree about the dating tho!
0 votes
by (955k points)
Choose the gender you feel comfortable with. I’m getting all of the definitions from Wikipedia. Also, when you choose a gender identity, it’s not set in stone.

Agender - It means that you don’t have a gender.

Bigender/Bi-gender/Dual gender - It means that you have 2 genders.

Trigender - It means that you have 3 genders.

Demigender - It means that you partially identify with 1 gender and another at the same time.

Demiflux - It means that the stable part of yourself is non-binary.

Genderfluid - It means that you’re flexible about your gender.

Transfeminine/Transmasculine - A transfeminine person was born male and mainly has a female gender. A transmasculine person was born female and mainly has a male gender.

Pangender/Polygender/Omnigender - It means that you have multiple genders. You might also identify as every gender at the same time.

Xenogender - It means that your gender is an animal, plant, things, etc.
Listen, sometimes we think we are not in our own skin. But that doesn't mean u are whatever gender comes to u in the that moment. Look down at yourself, are u male or female. There is no other option. You are who u were born to be. God made u for a purpose and made u to be the gender you are. No exceptions!!! I believe you will find life in Christ and in knowing you are the gender God thought of long before you were born. Maybe you think this is crazy, but trust me, in a hundred years from now you will wish u had trusted me and chosen your true gender and life in Christ. ❤❤
it is so kind that you took the time to help this person with wikepedia definitions <3 we need more people like you here
by (165k points)
I agree completly!
by (955k points)
For birth sex, yes. (Very rarely, you actually do have both female and male parts . That means your birth sex would be intersex.)

But as for gender identities, there’s a lot of them.
by (955k points)
@anonymous Thanks!
by (155k points)
The second you were conceived in your mothers womb you were given a gender MALE or FEMALE. You cannot change that not matter the clothes you wear, the length of you hair, or even the stupid plastic surgeries you get.
by (955k points)
Obviously, most people were either raised as a girl or a boy, depending on what parts you have (that’s called birth sex).

Gender identities are what a person feels like they are.
by (165k points)

Your right Elo! But what she's saying is that it doesn't matter what you feel like you are your either a boy or a girl

how come there are so many names for the same gender ???
by (955k points)
There’s a lot of names for gender identities, but if you’re talking about birth gender, there’s only 3. Boy, girl, and intersex (both girl and boy parts. It’s actually real and could happen).
0 votes
by (165k points)
Which one where you born as?? That's who you are I promise!
If they don't feel like the gender they were born as, that is not who they are!
by (155k points)
No. You can say you are something different but youre not. You'll never change who you really are.
by (165k points)
What gender you where born as is who you are! You can't change that!
0 votes
by (155k points)
If your parents said no or don't give you permission don't do it. Because, lets face it, they're gonna find out. Be whoever you we're born to be. You don't decide God did a long time ago.
Amen, I agree

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