+5 votes
in Venting by (165k points)
I'm sorry I just augh

My mom is literally so emabarresing! On Tuesday we have to drive my bf (BEST FRIEND) Viv and Crush Will to yg. And we were talking about Halloween I was saying that I dressed up as a teenager and my friend was like "oh cause u r one?" I said "basically yah"! But my mom was like" No your not basically a teenager." I answer " um yes I am 11 more days?!" She keeped saying I wasn't right in front of Will ( who's 14 more on that later)

Ok I'm fully aware this isn't my problem and I should but in and It doesn't affect me! And I'm not saying I'm going to act on these feelings there just there!

Soo this year Will has this class with a girl named Sam and she also goes to our dance class well I think Will likes her (he never really talks to girls but he goes out of his way to talk to this one) . He's 100% not aloud to date buttttt. . . yk! i feel like an over idk jerk! I shouldn't care and just be happy that he has a friend! I would know if he's dating like 100%

idk if I think he likes her bc Viv was saying that there in class toghether and just talked about them a lot or bc I'm just paranoid.

btw there's this Ariana Grande song Boyfriend that descripces my feelings exactly.

Also when I was talking about Camp with him I was saying that a bunch of boys where flirting with me and he shot up and started asking questions and getting all offencive he tried to laugh it of but I could tell he didn't think it was funny. Im if he cares about my personal friendships we shouldn't care about his??

Idk I should totally be over him but I'm not Im. We weren't even dating I just missed the time when we were really good friends it was almost better than dating. We literally did everything toghether. Ok then I was crushing on another dude but still! Best time of my life!

And then there have been other things like the way he'll ignore me on second but then give me a really sweet complemint the next. Or he'll  randomly tag me for tag when I not even playing. Or how when he comes up to join the girls convo he always seems to come up behind me. Also the way we interact has become diffrent he'll make stupid little jokes that sound sarcastic but when he explains them he goes and acts offended.

Srry! I'm probably overracting! I mean what 14yr would be crushing on a 12yr!

I'm really sorry! I just really needed to rant! I lot has been happening! with like everything so yah. . .

1 Answer

0 votes
by (214k points)
It's normal to feel this way! If Will does date someone else, oh well. They'll probably break up one day because almost no high school relationships last! Focus on the time you get to be friends, and if when you're older you like each other, then maybe you can date!
by (165k points)
Thanks! Ik it's normal I'm just upset bc I feel like a bad friend feeling this way! Also that's not true! My youth group leader married his 7th grade crush! And my friends mom and dated dated in highschool!

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