+6 votes
in Shower Thoughts by (541k points)
if God is real. Who created God?

I kind of believe in God but I'm not 100% sure he's real.

So all of you who believe in God who or what created God?
God has always existed and nobody created Him. Me personally, I believe in God. He is always with us.
by (610 points)
Word bro that's the word

9 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Ohhhhhhh GREAT question, I will try to talk you my youth pastor about this to get a good answer, maybe I'll get back to you.
by (541k points)
Thanks! (I forgot about this question TBH)
0 votes
by (202k points)
This is super old.
0 votes
Christain believe in eternal life. If you believe in God and you are wrong then you lose nothing, but if you don't believe than you lose eternal life in a unimaginable place of unimaginable beauty. It is better to falsely hope then have no hope at all.
0 votes
Somthing with a beginning needs a cause, the universe has a beginning therefore needs a cause, mass matter has a beginning therefore needs a cause, you have a beginning and therefore need a cause. God on the other hand has no beginning and therefore needs no cause.
0 votes
by (156k points)
God has been and always will be he has no creator
0 votes
If god was real he would have to be a woman aka mother nature
That makes no sense. None at all.
by (523k points)
They're saying that God must be a woman, because we refer to nature as Mother Nature.
God is most definitely not mother nature. God can NOT be compared to his creation.
by (523k points)
No one created nature.
O really than where did it come from. An bacteria? HA
0 votes

     Nothing. God has always been there. I can understand forever after, but having no beginning is hard to imagine. But creation is part of the reason for my faith. What I always say to myself is there are two theories for creation. One is that there is a god, and the other is the Big Bang Theory. Scientists believe that matter cannot be created or destroyed, so where did all that matter come from? I imagine they would say that it's always been there. But when you take God, they ask what God's beginning is, but they stop there and say it sounds crazy because He doesn't have a beginning. Even though their theory doesn't either. They stop there because they think it's crazy, but I also think it's crazy to say life came from nothing. 

     So there has to be a god right? There is no doubt that Jesus was a real person, but was he God? Before, there had been lots of people claiming to be God, but those stories didn't last long. But 2,000 years ago, a poor man, who worked with wood, claimed to be God, and his story is one of the most well known today! Also, the twelve disciples. Every one of them preached the Gospel after Jesus died. And every single one [except John] died because of their faith. [John was left on a deserted island] Each had many chances to stop but they didn't. Why would they choose to die for something they knew was false? They wouldn't, because He was what He said He was, the Son of God. 

     I am a Christian, I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I believe that He came to give all a chance to go to Heaven and not to Hell. All that I ask from the reader is not to reject this, but reply to me and tell me what you think is false. I never understood why Christians were hated and no one else.

     Also, when God says to love him with your whole heart, He means it. Over 80% of people who say they're Christians, will be surprised on judgement day when they are sent away. Everyone needs to make sure that they are Christians.

     The last thing I'll say is this, If God Isn't real, I'm no better off than you. But if God is real, then you'll have a lot of trouble in Hell.


AMEN dude! (Or girl, idk) I like your testimony.

AMEN! Well said, couldnt have put it better.
yes, to become a christain you must accept that Jesus lives and died for you and to accept the sacrifice that he made for you. you can not imagine the extent of his sacrifice, to be a all power full being, to a human. also to be killed and betrayed by those same people that he loves and came to save.
0 votes
by (40.6k points)
God is eternal. He lives outside of time but he is with us always! Its really hard to understand, but we are the creation not the creator so we are limited in our knowledge. I do believe in God. There is this website called gotquestions.com it has answers to questions, that are based on Scripture.
by (950k points)
What do you mean? I just wrote this answer a minute ago.
by (40.6k points)
by (950k points)
Yeah! I’m typing this answer right now, not some invisible giant that has a beard.
by (40.6k points)
Who has a beard if there invisible? I'm so confused about what you're saying!
by (950k points)
I’m pretty much confused too.
describe what you mean.
0 votes
by (214k points)
God has always existed. No one created Him. It's confusing for the human mind to comprehend but it's true

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