+2 votes
in Writing Contests by

I would like to see you make a  fiction or non-fiction story. Below are the rules.

  1. At least 2-3 paragraphs
  2. NO copy-cats
  3. Be VERY creative
  4. The latest entry date is January 17th
  5. The theme is Christmas or winter

Now have fun!!!boogie


Part 2

I go to sleep in a great mood. When I wake up I look out the window its............  Snowing!!!  it never snows but its like a winter wonderland! "Cory's awake daddy can we now???" Said Carol looking in my room. " may I ask where?" I say. " to winter wonderland!" Says Carol looking happy as can be. "Hop in the car girls." We go in the car. When we get there I see Melissa and Harper we walk past them they don't seem to notice me " She totally bought it! My nieces are here like I have neices!" Then they busted out laughing then Harper saw me   "Hi Corinna " she said awkwardly I ran as fast as I could crying until I was lost. "Carol dad? Are you there help I'm lost!" "Hohoho hello Corrina seems like you need some help!" Says you'll never believe me santa!! "I I thought you weren't real?" " very much real I am!" He said now you just believe then disappeared then I go home " believe my *beep*!" But what ever "  I believe I believe!" " honey me and your mom are back together again!" said dad walking in my room with my mom. This is the best Christmas ever!!!!!!!!! 

CREDITS: Writer me producer me every thong else me!!!

once i get 4 entries i will say who wins.
Oh ok ill make people come here!
kk. Sounds good

5 Answers

0 votes

Okay. We have 4  storys. So... our winner is......

I Love Dogs!!!!

Nice story.

0 votes
The girl  who didntbelieve in Santa Claus (but then did)

By Ella

One snowy afternoon in Alberta,canada,9year -old Casey was writing her letter to Santa Claus while her mom was baking the Apple pie for Christmas dessert. "Mom?" Casey asked as she looked up from her letter.

 "Yes dear?"

 " well is there actually a Santa Claus? " Casey replied.

 "Of course there is,honey," said mom,surprised.

 "All my friends at school say there isnt," Casey cried.

 " Well let me tell you something. You can believe in whatever you want. I guarantee you THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS. "



 " Well...ok, "said casey. She looked back at her letter and said," I believe in Santa Claus. "

Her mother grinned and went back to cooking.

0 votes
Lisa walked over by her window and saw it was snowing!!! She lived far away so it was a happy moment! Then she saw it wasn't snow it was dust oh no a sand storm but wait is that Santa? Yup it was!

    Ho ho ho merry Christmas!
0 votes
This story is about Lia

Lia wanted to get a new doll for Christmas but her mom said no because they didn't have enough money. So then Lia set up a hot cocoa stand and served cocoa to the neighbors. She finally earned enough money to buy the doll. So her mom took her to the store to buy it.

  "I'm so excited to have a new doll!" said Lia.

So Lia got the doll and she was happy on Christmas.
0 votes
My story is called winter wonderland

Can't wait to read it!!



"Corrina sweetheart go sit on Santa's lap." My dad says "dad I'm way to old for this in 13!" I say "I want a pony a Barbie and a phone!" my 5 year old sister says "can we please go to Starbucks please?!" I beg my dad "no We need to get ready for Christmas your aunt Kathryn is coming remember?" I forget about starbucks easily because my aunt Kathryn is super nice I'm totally psyched for her visit. we end up going home. *buzz buzz* "Cory sweetie its Kathryn!" "Joe I'm so super sorry we can't make it because of the blizzard."said aunt Kathryn Oh I'm sorry you need to miss it." said my dad. I storm up to my room and cry not because I'm sad but because nothing is going right for me lately first my parents get a divorce then my aunt cancels! I was so excited for Christmas but now not so much I need to text Melissa my bff 

​Cory: we need to talk or I need to vent

Mel: ok what about

Cory:I can't do Christmas it feels so different with my mom and dad separated

Mel:i 'm so sorry for you oh sorry, I need to go my neices just got here bye

​​​​​​ "dad can I please go for a walk I need one to think?"I ask dad " sure take Selena with you." Said my dad (Selena is a dog by the way) I go look at all the christmas lights it looks ao beautiful when the sun sets while looking at lights. Then we go home. " she's here daddy she's here!!" Carol my little sister yells when I open the door. "Cori come here!" I go in the living room " honey I have a present for you!" He shows me snow globe. " I love it!!" I take it to my room it's New York City! Well a model!Part 2 will be here shortly!

Nice!!! -Trashly

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