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in Ask KidzSearch Staff by
HIIII! SO my friend doglover1 wanted a blog and I do too! Can i have a blog? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

1 Answer

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by (345k points)
Best answer
You can have one too. What do you want to call it?
I want to call it "The Sister talk"
Wait  isn't she unregistered ? I thought unregistered people weren't allowed to have a blog ? If we can can I have one ?
by (345k points)
We decided to open them up more in order to increase usage and are just doing it as a test for now. However, blogs without enough activity may be removed. We can create one for you too.
I my gosh thank you !
by (345k points)
Just tell us the blog name when you are ready.
by (345k points)

We created it for you. Please keep it active.

Thalia's life, art, and randomness. I might change the name soon if I think of a better name :)
by (345k points)

Nice name. Here is your blog link.

Thank you ! :D can't wait to post ! thank you a million times !

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