+6 votes
in All Advisors by
Who wants advice for girls? ask me ANYTHING!  Period advice, stages, 10 yr olds and up... anything!
I'm in middle school and I have some girl probloms. My best friend Emersen has a crush on somebody I like but I don't think she knows I liked him until I told her and then she is all lovey dovey around him and stuff and I don't know if i should feel bothered or don't care? He thinks I'm weird because I'm friends with her and he thinks she's weird so he doesn't like me.. I soon realized after my other friend told him I liked him in the beginning that he went to kindergarten with me and I was soooo embarrassed! And then I found out that our dad's know eachother as in a friend way (his dad works at the school) and I need help because now she is obsessed with him somebody plzzzz gimme advice!
Same  but Idc
I think your gonna grow up to be a therapist.
by (15.7k points)
well i need prayers for my dad because he might go to jail because my dads phone got turned off and we cant call the court and give them the money for the speeding ticket so pls pls pls i NEED PRAYERS
oh wow girl tell your dad i wish him luck
I'm elementary (YES IM TEN) and... I have a crush on my enemy... PLZ HELP
ago by
(I’m 10 and about 3 months) my brother, WHO IS IN KINDERGARDEN basically thinks of something rude to call me during school, or uses an old one, and uses that instead of my name! He only uses my name when he wants me to do somthing! I’ve told my mom about this, and most of the time she’s on his side!

And also I keep forgetting to either clean my room, or finish a project!

6 Answers

+3 votes
by (3.6k points)
Wwwwwwwwwwwow this is cool
+2 votes
by (7.3k points)

Please help me. My dad gives me hugs before he leaves for work and I don't really want to do that anymore, because if he asks me when I'm busy Ugh it's so annoying not that it's a bad thing, but please help me have no time to talk about it broken_heart

by (949k points)
You could tell him that you don’t want hugs.
by (7.3k points)
Oh. I've already tried that, but my mom gets mad and says to give him a hug, and then dad tries not to make the conversation long because he has to go to work.
by (7.3k points)
I've told him I am not gonna hug today, but I could try, and maybe I could say I don't want hugs...
ago by
Say this: father, may you please stop giving me hugs before work? Not to be rude, but may you please stop? (In a please voice)
+1 vote
by (111k points)
im 10 and my friends all had a their share of probs with me. I alr dumped one by unfriending them on messenger and basically ghosting them, but since my friend, lets call her E, is glued to her, it might cause some probs. ALSO, on top of that, I have violin, chorus, and drama club, PLUS regular homework. PLUS dance. ARGGGGGG imma get killed this year
by (949k points)
*give Dogwa 180 totems of undying (from Minecraft)*

One totem for each day of the school year.
I get your struggle. The next school year will SUCK for me as well.  My best friend is moving 6 hours away, 60% of my class is transferring schools, I have several different courses I have to take in school, I have student council, band, volleyball, basketball, track, softball, high school stats, while keeping up a 4.0 gpa and a boyfriend. So yeah I get it only I'm almost 13
+2 votes
by (3.6k points)
When did ur get ur period? I'm 10 and don't know when I'll get it....je parle aussi français mdr
by (111k points)
Im ten and I got mine like 11 months ago. be careful.
by (7.3k points)
My mom says I will get it at the same age she got it. I haven't got mine yet, but ask your mom when she got her period. She might not remember, because that happened to me and I might get it coming up when I finally turn 12, or it will be next year when I'm 13. Soon I'm turning 12
by (7.3k points)
i got mines when i was 11 in 5th grade. dont worry about it its not as bad as it seems
ago by
ago by (3.6k points)
Yess do you speak it
+3 votes
by (7.3k points)

I also have some girl problems. My dad likes to say my name in a funny way, and he's been doing it all my life. Now I'm almost 12 years old and seriously, we have been dealing with this for a year. He annoys me when he calls me stuff and I'm in the process of being like my other friends because I want to be cool cry_smile My BFF does a lot of things I don't do, and I want to start doing them, but my mom says no easily. She sleeps with her dog every night in her room and I was never allowed to do that. Her dog is a puppy, and mine is 7 years old. We are trying our best to get her used to my room. She says that's her favorite room in the house. Her room. Just to let you know this, I've tried telling my dad to stop doing it, but he refuses and says But that's your name! I even have trouble realising he just called me my normal name. I also try ignoring him, but it's only hard for myself because I feel annoyed when he starts doing it even if I'm not saying a word. Please help me cry_smile Again, I've dealt with this for a whole year, and I need a break from the names angry_smile

by (949k points)
Be yourself! There’s no need to fit in! Stand out the best you can! That’s what being cool is! (I get a bit annoyed when someone says that they want to be like everyone else because almost nobody here on KidzTalk tries to fit in)

As for names, I don’t really know.
by (7.3k points)

Just tell me how to ignore him where I won't get mad at him or myself. Please answer quickly, he might even do it while we're trying to figure it out broken_heart

+2 votes
by (9.9k points)
So for Valentine’s Day I really want a valentine but my parents don’t let me also many people like me why?
prob like u cuz ur pretty

Yeah right loldevil_smilebowevil

Odds are you are wrong kitty cutie
my parents are like that as well. They dont want me to date until im in college or somethin
by (3.6k points)

My parents are fine with me dating! I've already had a girlfriend and I'm 10 omg_smile

ago by
Well, are you nice to them? And you can secretly have one!


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