As I mentioned in the last post, we got SNOW and the meteorologists were all like
I have this weird obsession with clouds and yea
Yesterday the library didn't have any of the books I wanted (but... it's Wingfeather!) so I got five books about rain. Rain! F r o m t h e a d u l t s e c t i o n. I'm a little nerd and im proud of it.
So one of my dream jobs is to be a meteorologist.
Also, yesterday, I was playing Connect 4 with my second cousin and -she won because I'm horrible at Connect 4- and do you know what I did?
*switches the tab to make all the discs fall out*
you have no proof.
I would have taken a picture then, but I was like,
And then I forgot.
So another of my dream jobs is to be a stand-up comedian!
Because I wouldn't be funny sitting down. :D
chickens are spies