+5 votes
in Sparkle's Contests by (64.3k points)
I am hosting a contest due to March 4th. The thing that you have to enter is some facts about the titanic, then, the person with the most and best facts wins. Here are the rules: absolutely NO copying or ANYTHING like that, and it has to atleast have 30 paragraphs.

Here are some facts you can include:

•Dates some event's on the titanic happened

•How many people survived

•How many people boarded the ship

•How many people in 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class

•The richest passengers on the ship

You can also write other facts. Any questions? If not, start writing!
by (64.3k points)
People have to enter!!!

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (147k points)
Best answer
Feeding the passengers and crew on the Titanic required an extraordinary amount of food and drinks. There were 75,000 pounds of fresh meat, 40,000 eggs, 10,000 pounds of sugar, and 7,000 heads of lettuce.

The ship left with around 56,700 of dishware aboard. When the Titanic was rediscovered on the seabed, neat rows of stacked plates and dishes were found lying unbroken and almost undisturbed in the sand on the ocean floor.

Titanic's hold was also loaded with a vast array of bizarre cargo, such as a Renault 35hp automobile, 3 crates of ancient models for a museum, 50 cases of toothpaste, 5 baby grand pianos, 76 cases of "Dragon's Blood" (a kind of tree sap), and 15 crates of rabbit hair.

There was also rumors about a cursed Egyptian mummy among the cargo which brought about the disaster. The tale is untrue- there was no mummy on the ship.

Margret "Molly" Brown came from a poor family in America, but her husband made a great deal of money in the mining industry in Colorado. In a lifeboat, Quartermaster Robert Hichens refused Margaret's plea to look for survivors. She urged other women to take the oars and row, and Hichens gave in. She became known as "the unsinkable Molly Brown."

Milton Hershey, inventor of Hershey's chocolate bar, was supposed to be aboard, but was too busy to leave home.

With to forward part of the ship flooded, the Titanic's nose was pulled under the water, submerging the bridge and officers' quarters. The weight of the water inside the ship pulled the vessel still deeper, leaving the stern sticking high out of the water. The huge weight of the sinking caused the ship to break in two. The ship's bow sank quickly into the bottom, followed by a mass of debris.

Crew members rowed the lifeboats away from where the Titanic had gone down in the hope of reaching the safety of passing ship. As one of the lifeboats reached the Carpathia, passengers prepared to climb up the ladders to the deck. Many discovered that other family members had not reached the safety of the ship. Radio operator Harold Bride had to be helped from Carpathia because his feet were badly frostbitten.

Divers have recovered thousands of items from the Titanic such as a signal telegraph from the bridge, a china coffee cup, silver knives and forks from the first-class dining room, and even a reclining char from the promenade deck.

After the disaster, an international service was set up to watch for icebergs and set out warnings to shipping. To begin with. the patrol was operated by vessels that sailed along the main shipping routes, radioing in when they spotted ice.
by (64.3k points)
That is a alote of GREAT information FallenFalcon-Esie!
by (64.3k points)
You will win it no one else enters
by (64.3k points)

You won!!!! No one else entered sad_smile, but you probably would have won anyway

0 votes
by (147k points)
did you mean 3 paragraphs?
by (64.3k points)
Nope! No mistake!
0 votes
by (147k points)
I have like 10 paragraphs and very not 30 lol
by (64.3k points)
10 is fine I guess... but I expect more! No joke!
+1 vote
by (950k points)
Really? 30 paragraphs? That’s basically a 5-page essay!

Can we use a book as long as we don’t copy?
by (64.3k points)
Hmmm... Fine.
by (64.3k points)
I advise you use the book 'Story of the titanic ' if you have it

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