+7 votes
in Other by
So this is a final warning: BOYS DON'T COME HERE! CLICK AWAY!

Girls scroll down:

So here's some girl advice and stuff that is relatable:

So if you realize your period is gonna come soon, wear a pad early BEFORE the period so the blood will  get on the pad instead of your favorite uNdIeS :3

Have a nice long talk with your mom about your period or pads and breasts. She'll make you feel better. AND she can show you some motherly advice!

And if you  don't have a mom, talk to any other female relative or adult, like your school counselor!

If you don't have any pads in your backpack and you have "IT" during school, talk to your bestie or friend, or  ask to call your mother father, aunt, etc.. But I reccomend your mother or aunt.

If you are worried about puberty, look up ways to forget about it! Or ask your mom about it.

Now for the relatable part!

Once, I had "IT", and it got all over my favorite underwear!
Every time I run, everything JiGgLeS.

I have a HUGE  bump right near my eyebrow >:(

My sister knows about my period already >:(

My sister and I share a room, so every night, it's awkward seeing each other  in our bras and underwear :l

Well that's all for now :3

and if there are still boys in here, shame on you!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (64.3k points)
Best answer
Tysm! I will really need to use this advice in the future! :-)
+1 vote
by (14.6k points)
There is also a name for IT called TOM

Time of the Month

I like to use that. I haven’t gotten my period yet but it sure does seem like it’s coming!!!!!

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