+4 votes
in Invention Contests by (156k points)
Who ever can tell the best joke gets a shout out. It starts *suspense* now!!!!

10 Answers

0 votes
by (71.3k points)

"come on over and buy some corn"

"or we will sacrifice your newborn"

-charlie slimecicle

(less of a joke and more of a funny joke)

+1 vote
by (23.4k points)
Q:Why did the turkey cross the road

A:to prove he's not a chicken

Ha ha ha get it
0 votes
A 56 year old boy asked his 1 year old father

" Father which day was Wednesday born? "

"On a Wednesday my dear daughter. The father said"

The boy replied "oh so I changed my name to Tuesday"
by (156k points)
by (525k points)
I don't understand this—
+1 vote
by (40.6k points)
Knock knock

Who is there?


Who who?

No,my name is hoo!
+1 vote
by (64.3k points)
Q.guy rode to town on a camel, and got there on Wednesday, then he came back on Wednesday, what is the camels name?

A. The camel's name is Wednesday, good joke, heh?
+1 vote
by (147k points)
You need to show your ID to buy paint at Hobby Lobby, but yet, we are just one click away from buying orange cones on Amazon and making traffic go wherever you want.
+1 vote
by (28.8k points)

Q: did you hear about the kidnapping of the preschool?

A: don't worry the kid woke up


0 votes
So, the president, the pope, the pilot, and a random kid were in a plane. The plane was about to crash, so the pilot grabbed the first of the three parachutes and jumped. The president said "I have to lead the country" and jumped with a chute. The pope said to the child, "take that last parachute, because you got your whole life to live". But the kid said, "it's alright, there's two more parachutes left, 'cause the president took my backpack".
by (28.8k points)
biggest LOL EVER I love that joke you should win for sure
by (156k points)
0 votes
+1 vote

 Q: What do you get when you cross a rhetorical question and  a joke?

A:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... speechless


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