+4 votes
in All Advisors by (1.2k points)
Me and my three other best friends were a amazing group, we had so much fun together and did everything together, whether it be math assignments or a science project, or maybe throwing water in that boring history teacher's bag. We were such a great foursome

For exams we were sitting roll numberwise ( I'm using code names here and I study in a all girls school) and one of my friends Arka was sitting with the popular girls group of our class. And my other two friends Sumi and Sye were sitting close behind me. Arka grew distant from me, Sumi and Sye, and then one day she sent us a letter through one girl we hated = Tara. And it contained about how much she hated me, Sye and Sumi and she wanted to break friendship with us and be with the ' new popular friends ' she how has. I felt used and betrayed, Arka obviously used me and my other 2 friends and now she had better friends she left us trio to rot. After that I was sparked with revenge, I stole her Keychain once and stamped on them only to be complained to Arka by a tattletale. And I used to be scared of her, she was from a high class family and was extremely cold and dangerous. Before that, Sumi had left me and Sye to join Arka and the pop group. I felt even more angry and betrayed but Sumi wanted a cozy friendship with us as well as our enemy Arka. Sumi and Arka were extremely close. And I don't understand why Arka forgave and loved her so easily. I made two other best friends and one of them was very close with Arka but hated her. One day after one of our final exams Sussan ( the girl close to Arka and me and Sye's  new friend) came with a message from Arka which was a bad word, me and Sye retaliated with other curse words and suddenly Arka pounced on my BABY brother and called him names of all sorts ( bad words) I was okay with her cursing me but my BABY brother? I in turn cursed her sister and she later ended the fight coldly. She was so two faced, bad with us and sweet with her new BFF's? How? And I went home with a broken heart, you see, I love my brother and he is a baby, How could Arka curse him and she was the one who started cursing me and then my brother,

What should I do guys? How can I tell my parents and elaborate all the words she told? I told my mom without elaborating the words but she didn't care, If I properly elaborate then I will also be in trouble. And I did some things infront of Arka which she could tell to my parents and she could tell many things about me my parents didn't know. But my heart burns with revenge, she cursed me Kay, but my brother? Help me!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (64.3k points)
You SHOULD tell your parents, or the principle of your school, then SHE would get in trouble.

Sorry that's all I got, don't be annoyed
by (1.2k points)
Thanks so much you took time to answer, I'll really listen to you maybe after talking to the bully, if she probably apologizes we can drop the matter, thanks
0 votes
by (541k points)
Just tell your parents. I tell mine when I get bullied ( I get bullied just for LIKING MINECRAFT! like lots of people like it.). Also tell the principal and guidance counselor.
one time I got bullied for reading jjk manga? let's my bully got sent to the principal after that.


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