+7 votes
in Personal by

I’ve posted something like this before very briefly, and I don’t think I need advice anymore as much as I need conformation.

I think I like my gender, so, girls. I also know that I am attracted to guys. This “liking girls” thing started around the beginning of last year when I started to really understand the lbgtq+ community (half my friends were part of it. Someone literally started a gay club.) After I thought about it, I realized I liked the idea of being with a girl and have had a dream or two of this. I’ve never actually had a first kiss. This leads me to a sort of problem, that I’m only 12. So technically I don’t think I can decide yet. I still have a long time to sort things out.

Term-wise, I used to believe I was bi. I went back and forth from bi to straight to lesbian and back to bi. Like I said, I think I like both main genders.



Reasons why I think I am possibly pansexual:

-I have attraction to girls and boys

-I have liked trans women

-I never focus to much on genders rather than the personalities and looks

-I like the flag (lol doesn’t really do anything)

-I took like 5 different sexuality tests. 3 said I was pan, one was bi, and somehow I got asexual

So this might also mean I could possibly be.. uh.. I can’t remember the term.. polysexual or something. Like that sexuality where you like 3 or more specific genders. I don’t know if I got that right-

Am I pansexual? Do you guys think so? Any tips or advice or anything for helping me find out?

Thanks for reading this, I appreciate you!

Update: Also have realized that I like men much more romantically and women much more physically. I dunno if that changes anything. Also, I saw trans men. I was very confused because thats when I realized it is much easier to tell who is trans when the person is a woman. The men literally look like men. I like them but I LIKE THE DRAG QUEENS BETTER OKAY- (I’m a girl though :/)

I’d like to add the fact while I’m at it that I don’t want to tell my parents. My mother thinks the LBGTQ+ community is weird. She tells me she’d have more respect if it weren’t so popular right now. The reason why it’s, ahem, “popular” is because it’s more widely respected now, and every day kids are being introduced to this and REALIZING THINGS. Her problem is she’s got a co-worker who went by “she/they.” The co-worker snapped when my mom called them “she“ because they had changed their pronouns to “they/them.” They aren’t a nice person at all, I get that, I met them before and they are a complete snob. But at least have some respect… 

I think my dad would understand, though. He is highly accepting. I feel like if I came out, it’d be to him first. Which seems very backward compared to most people, but yeah. At least I have a good parent. BUT HAHAHA IF I COME OUT THEN BYE BYE TO MY ENTIRE MORMON FAMILY (Grandma, grandpa… everyone but my dad and aunt.) BECAUSE ONCE THEY FIND OUT THEY WILL BE LIKE, “Oh, I guess pansexual is going to hell.”

Meh I actually don’t like them too much so.. yeah theres your useless information I felt like getting off my chest. Again, thanks for reading.

- ANOTHER UPDATE: my brain is so broken from this that once I asked in the title what my gender identity is and then got really confused when it said i liked women physically. I THINK KIDZTALK CHANGED IT FROM THE ONE I SAID TO PHYSICALLY. WHAT I MEANT WAS SE- you know what I don’t need to finish that.

by (154k points)

oy vey..

help this was only 7 months ago

this was me

im crying right now, BRO WHAT EVEN IS THIS POST

i was SO UNEDUCATED on things

Bruh me liking drag queens thinking they identified as trans women

holy smokes i have brain damage reading this

by (116k points)
Oh my god-
by (154k points)

skull i think im gonna hide this post

4 Answers

0 votes
by (155k points)
You are not pan, Bi, asexual, or anything else. You are Male or Female.
by (2.6k points)
by (155k points)
That stuff doesn’t even have to do with gender though. You could be asexual and still be female. I get that your trying to say that they are sinning, but sir/ma’am, I think god, if he really does exist, will be accepting. So just… please don’t. There are reasons why people are scared to be themselves like this kid, and people like you are one of them. Don’t even bother answering if your just going to bring someone down.
by (155k points)
Listen, I'm not trying to bring them down, I'm trying to encourage them to know and accept the truth.
by (2.6k points)
Girlie pop- thats not true tho-
Accept the truth? Well, my truth is different. Guess what, I do identify as a female if that makes you happy. :) But I do think that I might like other females! Which is exactly why I posted this. I know the truth that I am a girl. But the truth is, to me, that male and female are just two of the wide amount of genders. I think you have a right to believe its only two, and thats okay. It’s a belief. I do disagree, but I won’t come at you for it. Your not bringing me down, too. I’m getting stronger ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

When your saying things like bi and pan, though, that is called sexuality. I am guessing you are straight- you like the opposite gender. That is a sexuality. I am not talking about my gender identity here, like you seem to be implying. Just a note!
by (155k points)
Listen, one day you'll wished you had listened to me because there are only 2 genders male and female. There is only one type of marriage male and female.
I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, but I guess I have to get mean here, because I already tried to be nice and you don’t seem to care. IF YOU DON’T AGREE WITH MY BELIEFS, THEN DON’T BOTHER TO COMMENT. I SEE YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT CULTURE AND I WILL SAY THAT THAT IS OKAY BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO GUILT TRIP ME INTO THINKING YOUR BELIEF IS BETTER. One day I’ll be glad I didn’t listen to a kid telling me I’m wrong and that I found a perfect spouse, whether that be a beautiful male, female, nonbinary, intersex, etc person. I was not looking for a person to tell me I’m wrong. You believe what you want, I don’t care. But you are trying to bring me down. I get that Kidztalk lets you say your own opinions, but you didn’t have to get nasty. I was not looking for such talk. I’m going through things right now, and having a homophobic person tell me that what I’m feeling right now is wrong hurts. I’ll let you believe your right. But please leave me alone and keep that to yourself. Reading that hurt.
by (155k points)
I'm sorry that I hurt you, I never meant for it to be taken that way. But what I said was right, maybe you don't see it know but you will on the day of judgement.
Alright, whatever. You say you are right. But you totally did mean it to be taken that way.

On the day of judgement, which I’m guessing your saying is when I’m dead and see whether we go up high or down low, God will consider things not by my beliefs. God should be accepting. If he does exist, there are many religions who believe in him but have much different thoughts. And people who believe in different gods. He can’t just reject everyone but the one religion. I think God won’t consider sexuality, gender, etc. He judges your actions. If he doesn’t exist and death is just an empty void, or some other religion is true, or something else entirely is going on behind the scenes, we’re both gonna see it then. We probably will both go to a “heaven.” I just don’t think you have to be so stubborn and tell me that I will see one day “why my beliefs were so wrong.” Maybe one day you’ll change your mind.

Also, it’s spelled “now,” not “know.” You sound like your younger than me.
by (155k points)
I seem younger than you because of a mistype? That's stupid. God is accepting that's why you have lived this long and you have people like me trying to help you get to heaven. On the day of judgement God will say he doesn't know you and you will go to hell. The only way you can get to heaven is by Accepting Jesus into your heart as lord and savior. Believing Jesus died on the cross and rose 3 days later. And Confessing your sins to him and asking to be forgiven. You have to truly believe this in you heart and say this .God won't turn you down because of your religion but because you refused him.
I never refused god in the first place. I literally never said “I hate god.” I SAID I MIGHT LIKE ALL GENDERS. APPARENTLY THAT MEANS IM REFUSING HIM. BRUH, NO, IT MEANS IM, “sInNiNg.” I am scared to not believe and find out that there is a heaven and hell. I am scared to go to hell. BUT I STILL HAVE A LONG LIFE AHEAD OF ME. I CAN BE FORGIVEN, I CAN WHATEVER.

But YOU, a kid with nothing to do in life, had to gang up on ME, a kid who has parents thinking of divorce, is confused on sexuality, just got her period, and is just scared as heck. Just admit that this is a lost cause and I’ll admit god might hate me. I get you might be going through some stuff to, but seriously, you had to just-

Also I didn’t say you seem younger, I said you sound younger. There's some sort of difference. I’m sorry if I’m raging and being a brat, but I just can’t anymore. Just stop telling me everything I think is wrong and admit that me having a different belief is okay. I admit that you know how to stand your ground and that you believe strongly in God. I feel different. I’m sorry. I’m not a Christian, Catholic, Mormon, whatever you are. I just don’t feel the same. If we can come to the agreement that we both think differently, I’ll be gladly leaving you alone.

Also, I have seen you comment like this on other posts… I don’t think you understand how that can be rude and a bit offensive to other people. People are looking for support and sometimes when you think different you don’t give them that support, I get that. But it’s not always the kindest. I’m just hoping your willing to just stop commenting on other peoples posts when it isn’t too supportive.

Thank you and again, I’m sorry ♡
by (155k points)
I'm very sorry, your going through all that at once, I truly am. And the absolute last thing I wanna do is gang up on you and bring you down. I'm not bring you down, I'm giving you hope. A hope in heaven. And ever lasting life in heaven. I'm not saying everything you believe is wrong, but I'm helping you know the truth. You said you have a long life? My friends older brother wasn't got saved because he was only 18 and thought he could Get saved another time. A drunk driver hit him and he was killed. You never know when your time will come. So you need to be prepared. And also if I say that there is a way to go to heaven, and you want to go to heaven, I, out of genuine curiosity, want to know why you wouldn't take that opportunity?

When I comment on people posts, maybe I'm not being supportive in the way they want, but I'm feeling them the truth. Because there is only Male And Female no matter how many surgeries you get, no matter how you dress, what your name is. You were born male or female, and you stay that way for the rest of your life. You also, as God commanded in the bible, to like the other gender, not your own.
Alright, I see that! I actually have an uncle who in his twenties was hit by a drunk driver, but uhh… HE WAS A STRICT MORMON… A LITERAL MISSIONARY UM AM I RUINING YOUR POINT-

I do want to go to heaven, yes, but I’m also sort of full of doubt. No offense. But I mean… we think of gods like Zeus as mythical, but back then he wasn’t at all. So what about God??? I dunno, I guess it’s just the process of trust. I’m not being raised in a religious community, forgive me. I don’t know if I can even trust. I’m actually a child who moves around a lot so I see a lot of different beliefs. I don’t want to settle on one because I get a lot of different views. MAYBE I BELIEVE IN ALL RELIGIONS BUT SOMEWHAT SKEPTICALLY, IS THAT A THING-

I feel rebellious against Gods rules for that last part and might like my gender. I guess I’m going to risk going to hell cough cough.

Thanks for the insights. I see your beliefs. And to be honest, TECHNICALLY THERE IS ONLY MALE AND FEMALE. SCIENTIFICALLY. But gender and s3.x are a different thing. You could be born male and still have what is considered a males… part, yet become not a female or male but a non binary person. So in a way, your right, but theres some sort of thing there. Idk how to explain more. I’ll just leave it at that. Again, sorry I kind of went at you x-x
by (155k points)
There's a couple differences about God and Zeus.

God- sent his ONE son to die on a cross so we can all go to heaven.

Zeus- Did he give anyone the power to live forever in heaven?


Zeus- he was born into Gods creation!

God- He's alive.

Do I even need to do Zeus.

Also, I'm really sorry about your uncle. But that just goes to show you that your time can come anytime.
You can’t really prove God is alive though…

If you said Zeus didn’t exist when certain people used to believe in him a long time ago, you probably would be highly mistreated. Just like nowadays, if you believed in something else or nothing at all and told people then you get yelled at by people of that religion.

My uncle wasn’t wasn’t wearing a seatbelt now that I think about it and got involved with 3 drinkers, one underage, but my grandmother and aunt survived. With their seatbelts on. My time can come anytime, but my uncle was dumb and didn’t use safety features. I think I can prevent that by using them.
0 votes
by (950k points)
If you feel comfortable using the term “pansexual”, then you are pan.
0 votes
by (2.6k points)
Ok so, this is a great learning point for you friend!

“Gender identity” is the gender you have, such as male, female and non binary.

But your “sexuality” is lesbian, straight and pans and others.

I think you do identify as Pansexual! What an amazing path to follow!

Please talk to be if you have ANY questions!
Lol yeah i know that my brain broke when i typed the title i literally just saw it and facepalmed

But thats helpful! Thanks!
0 votes
by (541k points)

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