+9 votes
in Other by (541k points)
Can you stop the posts saying things like LGBT is wrong? There's nothing wrong with LGBT. Thanks.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (345k points)
Best answer
We fully support the LGBT community. However, we also want this to be a place where people can have different opinions, as long as they say it in a way that is not offensive.
by (156k points)
Thank you!!!
0 votes
by (155k points)
I assume your talking about me, listen, I don't mean to say its wrong, I mean to say its unbiblical. And is sinful.
by (345k points)
You have a right to voice your opinion.
by (156k points)
0 votes
by (1.3k points)

Listen. Please do support what you want to support, but never misunderstand the absolute importance of free speech (which includes the risk of hearing things you do not like). Ideas that are good will stand up to criticism. Ideas that require the forced silencing of any counter-ideas, not to mention massive numbers of people, are not strong ideas. 

Don't be afraid to allow what you believe in to stand up to criticism. If you don't feel like it can, then it's very likely that your own understanding of what you believe just needs to be strengthened or altered.

Even if someone disagrees with me, I NEED them to be able to say what they think, because the only way one can truly think is to be able to speak and converse and respectfully argue. I will either find out more and more that my thoughts have been correct, or I will discover that I have been incorrect. I can't find out I was wrong if no one is allowed to tell me, and if I'm right, then I have nothing to worry about when people try to tell me I'm not.

Truth doesn't have to be afraid of lies. Only lies are afraid of truth. 

Do not be quick to try to silence people. If you give power to that kind of precedent; it's only a matter of time before it is turned against you, too. 

by (156k points)
Thank you

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