+4 votes
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My parents are homophopic

6 Answers

0 votes
by (3.3k points)
I am just like that I like the short hair but my parents say no but for one reason my hair used to be very long and they didn't know how I would like short hair so we cut my hair a bit shorter every time I get a haircut. You should suggest this to your parents. You might like short hair but not exacly a boy cut and your parents might exept of that. Best wishes pinepike.
0 votes

I might have a few things to say.

1. Generally, if you have a long face shape, then it might be best for you to get a short haircut.

2. Why do your parents think that if you have short hair, then you're gay? That doesn't really make much sense to me.

3. Ultimately, the choice is up to you. If you're parents say you can't, remind them that your hair is your hair. You might just be able to get your point across.

+1 vote
I mean if you want it real bad,Ask for it for B-day
+1 vote
Tell your father that you want short hair to keep it off your neck. If he worries, tell him that your still *insert your gender* and you just want some cute short hair. (Even if you aren’t feeling like your gender.) I don’t see the problem in that. Parents are weird.
+1 vote
by (156k points)
Why do you want a boy s haircut?
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Maybe try talking to them more about it at a later time, and make sure they're in a good mood! Tell them why you should get this haircut!

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