+11 votes
in Venting by
I was riding my bike with my 9 year old brother around the neighborhood when a woman starts pulling out of her driveway. My autistic brother didn't see her and almost hit her car, but luckily they both stopped in the nick of time. My brother was very shaken and I was too. The lady rolled her window down and starts shouting rude things and making rude gestures at my brother. I had a panic attack. i  thought my brother was going to get hit so I started shouting rude things back at her. I was shaking and crying uncontrollably. She pulled away and came back 15 minutes later.

I told my mom what happened and I was sobbing and my heart was racing the entire time. I could barely stand. My mom went to confront the woman and she started yelling at me in front of my mom and then yelling at my mom. I was crying so hard I could barely stand. Its not that I was sad, I was just so angry and shocked.

I went into the house with my brother and went to my room. I sat there for 15 minutes trying to calm myself down until my mother came back. She said that the woman wanted to apologize but I said I didn't wnt to see her. I couldn't stop crying and cried for an hour straight. I've never had a panic attack before. I was so scared.
I also really wanted my dad there. He is the only person that ever helps me and makes me feel safe and loved. I cried even more thinking about him.

I would appreciate some consoling, ive been having a really bad day. Thanks :)

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (155k points)
Best answer
Ok. My cousin is actually going through this right now, so I can give you some tips on how to handle it.

If you ever feel like you can stand, you need to lie down immediately, so you don't pass out. Sometimes, you may feel like you can't stand because your sodium is low, it would be wise to keep little soy sauce packets in your pockets, or with you at ALL times.

It may be hard for you to get up in the morning and stand. If that is the case set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than when you need to get up so you can begin getting up. So you will SLOWLY rise up a little then stay until your heart stops racing. Then you do it some more until you are fully sitting up. Then you will go to the end/side of the bed and you will elevate your feet slowly up and down until you feel you are ready to stand.

If you feel any other problems, first, let your mom know, ofc. Then let me know and I'll see if I have any tips on how to help

Also, I'm so sorry about your dad. I know what its like to lose a loved one.
Thank you, I will definiely use your tips.

I really appreciate it :)
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Aww I know panic attacks can be scary! But you'll be okay I promise! You can always talk to me about anything!
Tysm. I really needed to hear that :)
0 votes
by (156k points)
That's so sad I hope you feel better!!!
+1 vote
by (544k points)
It's okay. I'm here for you. I check this site three or more times a day. Just use my advise column if you ever want advice.

I have a lot of problems so, I can give good advice

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