+47 votes
in KidzSearch Contests by (345k points)

We are proud to announce the 2016 KidzSearch Writing Decathlon Competition.

The Rules

Submit 10 different essays on the following topics listed below. You must cover each topic with a unique entry. Only one submission is allowed per topic. Each individual essay will be worth up to 10 points and scored by KidzSearch judges. 

The entry deadline for all of them is December 31st, 2016.

The entry with the highest number of total points wins an iPad 2 tablet. 

2nd and 3rd place entries will get gift cards worth $50 each.

You can also donate your award to the charity of your choice.

Writing Decathlon Categories

1.) Rhyming Poetry

2.) Non-Rhyming Poetry

3.) Motivational / Inspirational Essay

4.) Short Story Fiction Essay

5.) Non-Fiction How To

6.) Short Story Play Format

7.) Science Fiction / Fantasy Short Story

8.) Humor Essay

9.) Personal Opinion Essay - Convince a reader about something.

10.) Journalism Essay - Current event topic.

All entries must be posted in our 2016 Writing Decathlon Entry Section. Be sure to include the topic area in your post title. You must be a registered KidzTalk member to enter. Entries can be posted in any order. Please use separate posts for each of your 10 entries. 

Each individual entry should be under 3,000 words, but if you go over a little that is okay. There is no minimum length.  Entries must be in English.

Do not copy from other sources. We have many ways of checking and you will be disqualified from the entire competition if we find out that anything was plagiarized.  

The winning entry will be announced on February 1st, 2017. Feedback from the KidzSearch community, including valid up/down votes, as well as the final opinion of the KidzSearch judges will determine the winner. Remember, you must submit an entry for all 10 topics.

If you are not going to enter, you can still participate by casting your anonymous up/down vote on submitted entries.

Good Luck!

contest terms / privacy policy

UPDATE - Contest Winners

Congratulations to everyone who entered the 2016 Writing Decathlon Contest! Our judges carefully read over all the wonderful essays. There was only a 1 point difference between the 1st and 2nd place winner.

First Place: GemHeart  (iPad 2 tablet winner) 
Second Place: CountryBoy ($50 Amazon Gift Card) 
Third Place: Taurus SweetieGem
 ($50 Amazon Gift Card)

Individual Category Winners

Rhyming Poetry - GryffindorGal 

Non-Rhyming Poetry - GryffindorGal 

Motivational Essay - GemHeart 

Short Story Fiction - Sky 

Non-Fiction How-To - GryffindorGal 

Short Story Play Format - GryffindorGal 

Science Fiction - GemHeart 

Humor Essay - CountryBoy 

Personal Opinion - CountryBoy 

Journalism Dancer727  

Best Entry in Any Category (Tie)



We will be in contact with the contest winners using the e-mail address we have on file. If you don't hear back from us in a few days, please contact us directly.

Again, congratulations!



by (42.0k points)
Is there any other contest coming up?
Is the "Short fiction story" aloud to be a legend/story with a moral to it? ( like for example the tortis and the hare?)
by (130 points)

Winter Haikus:

Soft snowflakes drifting

Falling from the sky, snow, snow

Snow, snow, let it snow


The season of joy

Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa

Holidays are near


Frost on my window

Hot chocolate on my tongue

Heater turning on


The holidays are near

The choirs singing, bells ringing

Christmas trees and lights


Santa is coming

Presents are waiting for us

reindeers in the sky


Little pearls falling

From the dark, milky, night sky

Crip, icy, and cold

by (345k points)

We are not likely to have another writing contest until next fall, but we may have some other things planned in the spring. Stay tuned...

by (345k points)
Having a nice moral ending to your short story entry sounds great. Just make sure the story is original.
okay. :)

I wrote so many great poems but someone deleted the app that they were on. I will be sure to read these entries though.

12 Answers

+2 votes
by (26.4k points)
Is it okay if I write the short story in diary format?
by (345k points)
The short story really needs to be in paragraph format, since we have another entry category for play format.
by (26.4k points)
Sorry, I meant to say diary format
by (345k points)
Diary format is fine. Look forward to seeing it.
+2 votes
by (26.4k points)

Do you mind if I include for each entry , a list of sources and a brief description of either the format or the purpose I am writing the essay? Sorry if that doesn't make sense. 

by (345k points)
Giving us information about an entry, like sources, motivation for it, background, etc., is fine and can help us evaluate it better.
+2 votes
by (6.4k points)
Rhyming poeatree:

Once there was a cow, his nickname was pow.That was because his full name is polio opapo wader!
+2 votes
by (6.4k points)
Once you came and hugged me tight I said,ooooowwww!
+2 votes

Okay so I am doing 4 and here we go,

                                                                                                  Street girl.                               "Its been more than five minutes... She said five minutes" Lily thought. She was about to head home when.... She heard a rustle in the bushes behind her and she turned around and spotted something she could only describe as slender, she ran. She ran out of Borough and into Sorough then his in an ally. She could hear distant shouting. She then fell asleep. She woke up and found she was being stared at by two children. "Hi I'm Maxxie and that is Bonte" she nodded at the boy standing next to her. "We've been expecting you Lily Brown"  "Wh- who are you?" Lily managed to say. "Don't worry we don't know the answer to that question too, but we are the same now as we both have dead parents." Bonte said cheerily enough. "MY MUM ISN'T DEAD" Lily shouted. "Maxxie didn't say anything, just pointed to the motionless figure behind her. Lily hung her head, crying silently. " Where will I go now?" She said, in between tears. "With us, don't worry Lily, you're safe now." Bonte said reassuringly. Lily couldn't say andthing and allowed herself to be hauled up the side of a building like spiderman. When they got to the top it was full of children making jokes playing cards and trying to be happy. Lily thought they were trying to hard. 


So that's my entry! Hope you enjoyed! :)

+3 votes


I am going to get that iPad.

by (90.2k points)
Then come up with an idea. You can't just win an IPad.
by (9.2k points)
why so many down votes? it just shows determination. Or are you doing dat for competition?
+3 votes
by (260 points)

I love snow

That's all you need to know

To play in a snow show
+4 votes
time for snow and now i will send a letter to santa so he will give me an

by (110k points)
lol cool
+3 votes







                                Winter snow

            Finally, its winter. Time to have fun in the snow.

              I will build a snowman and make snowballs ,too

              I will bake cookies and make cakes, I will make sure that i wake up in time for christmas eves feast.                                                                                                                            By:Daniela






by (134k points)
I believe you have to be a member of Kidzsearcher to enter.
+2 votes
by (134k points)
So exciting!

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