+8 votes
in JD's Blog by (155k points)
Hello, everyone!

Long time no see, right? Well, yeah. I haven't checked in here in ages. Today, however, I decided to log in again as I was bored to death lol.

Okay so, I don't know if y'all remember me. I also noticed there are a lot of new members, and it's honestly nice to see this community grow so much. Welcome guys! Many of you might not even know me, haha. Well, I've been around for more than 4 years (way before I made this account). I used to be an active user (until the new KidzNet was launched, if I remember correctly). This community means a lot to me, and still occupies a place in my heart <3

Anyways, here are a few updates and stuff: I'm doing alright. I deleted most of my socials to focus on my life more; the only ones remaining are Instagram, Snapchat, Discord and Pinterest. I spend most of my time listening to music now. I'm finishing 11th grade. I'm turning 18 in less than 2 months. I had been dating someone online last year, but we had to part our ways around 4 months ago. I'm single as of now, but I've been talking to someone; we'll see where it goes.

That's pretty much all you need to know! How are you guys doing? Let me know in the answers below!

With love,

by (155k points)
Since I've never really made any official posts bidding farewell, I'm just gonna put this under my blog instead of the Alumni category.
by (84.5k points)
Who is the lucky person
by (155k points)
What do you mean?
by (84.5k points)
You said you were talking to someone
by (155k points)
Well, yeah. You wouldn't know her.
by (84.5k points)
Are you still talking to her
by (155k points)
Yeah, but we're not dating.
by (84.5k points)
Oh ok
by (155k points)

5 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Hey Jay! Welcome back man! It's nice to see old users checking back in every once in a while. I really miss the old Kidznet days lol.

Happy early birthday! You're turning 18, how do you feel? The prospect of becoming an adult is kind of scary for me, but exciting at the same time. I'm turning 17 this month, but I still feel like a kid. I feel as though I'm not responsible enough, you know?

I've been doing well. I'm not really on socials these days. Messenger is the only app I keep for texting. I've been into Arabic literature lately; been reading up classics, biographies, poetry books and all. I'm also writing blogs and journaling in Arabic. For English books, I finished reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes recently. It's actually pretty good! Why aren't more people reading it?...I'm kind of getting off topic here lol.

How are you? Do you talk with GemHeart these days? How're Queeny and knight doing?

- Autumn
by (954k points)
For other KidzTalk users, this is the old Autumn, not the current Autumn.
by (155k points)
Hey Autumn! Thank you! And same!

Thanks again! I'm kinda nervous, to be honest. Happy early birthday to you too! It's on the 22nd, right? Yeah, I get it, I don't feel like I'm responsible enough either :(

Ooh, that's cool! I didn't really get the chance to read many books this and the past year due to studies and stuff, but I managed to read Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat, The Room On The Roof by Ruskin Bond and Amazon Adventure: The Graphic Novel by Kamaleswar Mukherjee. All of these were great books!

I'm good! Yeah, but I don't get to talk to Gem much since she's busy most of the time. I don't talk much with Queeny either, but I think she's alright. Knight is like my bestie right now! We talk regularly on Snapchat and Discord. I also got the chance to talk to Cindy for a bit. I really miss Luna though.
by (155k points)
@EloquentRacer92 Thanks for clarifying that! I was confused too. I thought the new Autumn was the old Autumn lol.
by (155k points)
@Autumn Nothing much, just that there used to be an old user of the same name as yours lol.
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (25.2k points)
hi welcom back mate! nc to see u around! hope everthing's okay at ur end!

by (155k points)
Hey, thank you! Nice to see you too! I'm alright, how are you?
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Hey! Welcome back to KT! I joined sometime last year!
by (155k points)
Hey, thank you! Nice to meet you <3
by (214k points)
Nice to meet you too!
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (954k points)
Welcome back for the millionth time! Yes, I remember you. (I have been on KidzTalk since December 2020 (made an account in April 2021) and KidzNet since January 2021)

I’m the last person of my era to still be active. Pretty much everyone on here has joined KidzTalk after me.

Alan Walker came back on NCS (NoCopyrightSounds) on Friday. I’m pretty sure Fade, Spectre, and Force (the 3 songs he released when he was on there) are still private, but he released a new song called “Dreamer”. It’s a pretty good song.
by (155k points)
Thank you for the millionth time! I remember you too.

Mhm, you're right.

I know. I've listened to it, it's a decent one. Really exciting to see him back on the label! Also, I noticed you like NCS songs. You can say our taste in music kinda matches in that case since NCS is one of my favorite record labels and I'm a regular listener.

By the way, you should listen to this song called "Sharks" by Zeli :)
by (126k points)
Ahem, Elo? We started at the same time, remember?

Ay, welcome back mate. I mean, I know this isn't really a permanent thing, etc etc.

I have to ask you exactly how much social media you HAD; this things you just listed are almost all three social media platforms I'm familiar with (setting aside Twitter and Facebook. Good to see I'm not alone in coming back here out of boredom (see Commando, JD's our grade, and he came back). I'll be finishing up my Junior year in a couple months as well. Best of luck mate.
by (954k points)
I love NCS songs, some of ‘em. There’s a bunch of different genres in NCS (that’s what the circle indicated), but I’ve found that my favorite genres are electro house and progressive house. I’m pretty sure my least favorite is trap.

I’ll listen to that song sometime.


Yeah. We did. But you aren’t really active.
by (155k points)
@EloquentRacer92 I see. I don't really care about genres; if a song is good, it's good lol. Still, I like Melodic Bass, Drum n Bass, Progressive House, Hardstyle etc.
by (155k points)
@DukeSilver Hey mate! Nice seeing you again after a long time.

Thank you! Yeah, sadly, I don't know how long I'll be active before I disappear again.

Hmm... I had Twitter, Reddit and Twitch alongside the ones I still have. And I don't use Pinterest that much anymore, but I kept the account just in case. Yeah, I know right. Good to know I'm not the only one.

Oh, good luck! And thank you!
+1 vote
I think I've read some posts that you had answered on, so I guess I kind of know you. . .Kind of? Except you don't know me. . .I don't know.
by (155k points)
Hey! Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to know you yet.
Yeah. Well, it's nice to meet you!
by (155k points)
Yeah, same!


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