+9 votes
in The life of the bookworm by (130k points)
Hi guys! I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately, so ya.

Yesterday was another school day. But we had early dismissal,at 1:45!( We normally get let out at 2:45). After school I hung out with my besties, let's call them Ruby and Eleanor. We hung out for like 5 hours btw. First we hung out by the Expo Park in my town and then we went rolling down a hill in a trash can(don't ask, it was a traumatizing experience), then we got Pepsi from Rubys house and when the Pepsi was gone we pretended it was a baby named Lu Lu Lemon! After a while Thea came to hang out with us but she left when we made ou our way to my house. It's like 2 minutes from the school and I walk every morning. So..ya. That's all.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (541k points)
y did you get out early?
by (130k points)
I'm not sure why!
+1 vote
by (214k points)
Ooh sounds fun!
0 votes
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (949k points)
You have a really early dismissal. My school usually gets out at 3:50PM, and our early dismissal (on Wednesdays) is 2:50PM.

I have nobody in my grade (or school) to hang out with after school. But it’s fine, because the only places I would want to go to would be an arcade, and the local fast food (not exactly fast if you don’t call-in orders) place that has THE BEST food in town.

It takes me around 10 minutes to get to school for me (my parents drive me). I actually live pretty close to another school’s boundaries, but I still go to my school boundaries, which are in the main town.
by (541k points)
lucky! if I were you, I wuld have an extra HOUR to write fanfic on wendsdays!


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