+6 votes
in Mental Health by

Anxiety and stress affects everyone, some more than others. And I swear, us kids are going through an INTENSE amount of stress ALL THE TIME. Literally 24/7 theres something to worry about. So to help with the tough times, I have tips for anxiety, as I have had diagnosed depression and anxiety for 3 years (actually anxiety for four). Use these tips for anxiety anytime and you’ll feel calmer!

1. The Breathing Technique

Yeah, I know, I know. They ALL SAY to do the boring breathe in and out. But it does help. Plus, this has a bit of a twist. So, when your stressed, take 5 deep breaths. Each time you breathe in, however, imagine your inhaling this bright holy light of goodness into your body. Then, when you breathe out, imagine breathing out a cloud of smoke that’s full of the anxieties in your body. Each time you breathe, you cleanse yourself of the bad stuff and welcome the good stuff. And after the five breaths you have become the little angel your grandma keeps telling you that you are (even though most the time you aren’t). And your CALMER.

2. The %$#&!!!

We can’t curse, otherwise we get our butts kicked by the adults. However, science has literally PROVED that cursing makes you feel better. So the next time you curse, tell your mom that science is on your side for once. Even if you whisper them, though, curse words do make you feel better because your releasing your anger through them or something. So CURSE AWAY*, MY FELLOW CHILDREN. *appropriately

3. The Senses Trick

When your stressed, sometimes focusing on yourself for a moment helps. So think to yourself and answer these questions: How am I feeling? What do I see? What do I hear? What do I feel? What do I smell? What do I taste?

Then ask yourself once your ready how you feel again. The answer may be a little better than the first time. 

4. Touchy-touchy!

I do this a lot and it’s kind of weird so I recommend you do it when your alone in your room. Walk around the room and touch everything you see at the speed you find best. You can, like I do, think about what you’ve done to each of these items, or how they’ve contributed to you. I know, it’s weird. It can help though! I like the textures on my fingers the most. It’s calming. 

5. Split Brain

I definitely talk to myself a lot. It’s funny. But sometimes if I talk back and forth to myself, I feel better. I say to myself all my stresses and then I respond back with all my reassurances. It makes me feel as if someone understands me, or someones there to help, even though it happens to be myself. I laugh at myself and the dumb things I say too. The reassurances are worthwhile!

6. Things to Do

There are SO MANY things that can take your mind off of your anxieties too. These things include…. (Listening to music)(Going outside)(Laughing at jokes)(Doodling)(Reading)(Watching your favorite show)(Cleaning [when your actually in the mood])(Hanging with friends)(Getting exercise)(Doing what you like)(Cooking)

You can also refer to this post, as I am here to tell you these tips, and that…

(1) You are beautiful, stunning, and perfect looking in every way! (2) You are so strong and can do anything hard thats getting in your way! (3) Your not alone, someone out there is worrying about the same thing! (4) Your amazing in every way, and your family and friends do love you! (5) Nobody’s perfect, so kick back and relax. 

I hope I helped you! Remember, you’re #2! (First is the worst, remember?) You guys take care of yourself, life will get better!!

I hope this helped! 

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (200 points)
well try to stay BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY  keeping occupies is the BEST way to treat anxiety ive taken citalopram and alprazolam before i spent alot of time online reading a way to feel better thats it ! just stay BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY to make your brain produce seratonin ( chemical that eezes depression & anxiety)

AVOID smoking excess sugar and excess caffeine those TRIGGER stress anxiety and depression

God bless you
+1 vote
but im not allowed to cuss only teenagers are i think
+1 vote
This is so helpful, and what you had at the end makes me feel so much better about my self. These will definitely help. :)

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